Monday, March 28, 2011

Formed to Be Human

Do you ever think of the human form? I mean I know me as a man find the female human form so beautiful. I think even women gay and straight alike can appreciate the female form just as much. I mean, me, personally think everything about a women is beautiful. The way their brain works the way they process their thoughts and deal with emotions. All that is something to be admired and appreciated. This blog however is not about just the female form this is about the human form. let's see if I can take your mind there. We as humans were created to win. Wait wait wait. I feel I must say this before I began because this maybe the first time you have read anything on this blog and you may not know about the things I believe or disbelieve or just can't explain. In the bible, it says that man was made by god in his likeness. Evolution states that every living form on earth evolved from the same source (some may argue that the source is god thus saying that even if you believe in evolution you believe in god). It is also said that we were placed on this planet by an alien race. All of these are okay explanations. There literally as many theories on how we came to be as many religions and cultures on this earth ever. One is right and the rest are wrong. I'm not here to convert you or discredit any of the things you may perceive to be true. I'm just here to express my appreciation of the human form. The fact is we are here and we are in this form. I don't know how we came to be and at this point in my life I don't really want to deal with it. Having said that lift up your hand. Look at it. Wave to your self. Shake it about. Look at your movement. Look at how when you stop moving the natural position it takes. Look at your fingers and your finger nails. Imagine them growing. Imagine how they grow. We can do this with the whole body. the way we walk the way our mouth moves to eat. It's not the same movement as we use to talk. I say it again we were made to win. Think about it. On earth if you look at the big cat family. You have lions, tigers, leopards, cheetahs, Jaguars. I mean you have a bunch of Cat forms. We as humans don't have different human forms. Yeah we come in different colors but the reality is that every other species has at least one other form hints crocodiles and alligators. Us as humans don't but I could be wrong. Supposedly big foot exist. He's very secretive but he has been seen all over the world. So maybe there really is another human form and culture. I kinda got off subject. Monkeys have hand but can't make weapons like we do nor do I think they have the brain capacity to come up with it on their own. I saw a documentary one time that showed a monkey would help if it directly is to the advantage of the monkey. As soon as it realizes that it doesn't help him he will stop doing whatever it is he is doing. Kinda makes you think about what and why we do what we do. The human form has adapted from its faults. We can't run the fastest so we adapted. We can't remember everything so we adapted. I say no matter if your big or small tall or short, adapted we were made to win. We have 5 fingers instead of ten on one hand. We were really formed to perfection however we came to be. I don't know if I took your mind where I wanted it to be. But I hope you can at least appreciate everything thing you are. And understand even without you winning in this social structure or culture you were designed or formed to win. So go win damn it.

Emotions in the Lotions

When I cry, you cry, and we cry together. Love, jealousy, anger, fear, hate, depression, and etc. Emotions make me cry sometimes. Emotions emotions emotions. Unique to man? I don't know. But what I do know is that we have them. I wonder if emotions are unique to just this world (earth). do you think that we have emotions in outer space or on the moon or mars. But wait think about this, it just popped in my head. On other planets where there's life do you think they have a weird name for earth like alphadog99? I mean of course they wouldn't speak the same language we speak but that would freak us the fuck out if they did. right? I just had to put that out there but back to the subject of emotions as a guy I don't try and react to certain emotions that I just so happen to feel. But the fact is I do feel emotions and I have to deal with them. It drives me crazy to see a person extremely emotional it always seems like they just want the attention off of whatever is going on to have the attention on them. A prime example is at funerals. You've seen it just like I've seen it “woahis me I'm so so sad, I'm so much sadder then so and so. Yeah so and so is dead but everybody look at how sad I am. I might die with all my sadness”. I don't know if that's funny to you or if you even feel the same way I do but that's how I feel and I laugh when I see someone acting out. Because it’s disgusting to think that someone could be fucking selfish as to take the attention off of whatever is really going on just so we can say "man she or he is so sad they must have really been affected by what is going on." Bologna (love that word by the way) yall mofos better not do that at my funeral because I'll come back and tell everybody "man I didn't even fuck with so and so when I was alive". So on a side note sometimes when I'm writing these blogs I want to so bad put "lol" or "lmao" behind a sentence but I kinda want to be a little bit professional. I mean in a real article I wouldn’t get off subject as much and put my two cents about two cents in. And also I think yall are smart enough to know that a joke is a joke when you read it. But then on the other hand we get pretty deep into some subject and you might be thinking "he can't possibly think that way" when in fact I do think that way. I'm just saying you guys are pretty smart. Okay back to emotions. Anybody seen twilight? Of course you have. Particularly the second one. When the stupid girl (please excuse my condescending remarks about this movie) was sitting in her room for months and month with the sad face. I mean I know I get sad and I've gotten sad over a female but god damn what is she 16, 17?? Doesn't she have to go to school or something? I mean really? I don't get you kids and your emo, I wanna look so so sad all the time with that goth look. And I know there's a difference between goth and emo as a lil girl schooled me... excussseee me. I feel the same way about emo and goth as I do about that stupid fruit delicious futuristic sway pretty boy stuff. All I'm saying is, I like my straights straight and my gays gay. No mixing, damn that sounds a little racist. I like my people like I like my coffee… black. That was a joke. I'm not racist. I'm just prejudice and you are too. How do I know? Well when I call you a racist the first thing out of your mouth is I'm not racist my so and so is black or gay or Chinese. Which means that you recognize that so and so is something different then what your used to. Its okay you have to learn to be racist but everybody judges and everybody pre-judges it’s a survival instinct. Oh you still don't think you are? Well when you stop and ask for direction do you ask the guy with a pistol tucked in his waistband or do you ask the man in a suit? Now you can say it wouldn't matter to you. But I'm here to tell you that I'm going to ask the man in a suit. True enough they both might rob me or give me bad directions but if the man with the gun robs me, I kinda walked right in to that one right. Are you still saying no? Well your prejudice against the truth and the mouth it comes from. I'm just saying real is real. And the fact is we all do it. And if you disagree you should be real with yourself. I know your thinking man he really got off topic that time but that's not the truth. It all ties in with emotion the way we feel about people and our surrounding. The way we handle situations the way we survive. Our emotions lets us know what directions to go what things to avoid. Without our emotions we'd be robots. Emotions make us human and we should all embrace our emotions. Don't be scared to express a point deeply and emotional. Get others emotions involved and start an emotion revolution. I'd be on the front line of that. No homo... right? Cause guy aren't supposed to be sensitive right? Well straight guy. I'm just saying we all feel them and feel like it should be a joy to express them.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Who Wants To Watch Me Commit Life

I wonder if you can feel what my blogs are gonna be about by my crazy titles that don't absolutely have to do with the topic at hand. Today topic is one that everybody thinks about but nobody wants to talk about. Death death death. If you say it three times fast and spin around and shine a flashlight in a mirror you'll probably just see your reflection. If you see otherwise keep it to yourself. I don't need to worry about mirror monsters when life is scary enough without the super natural putting their two cents in. Super natural. What does that mean anyway? How can you be any more natural than natural. Superman is a super human which means he is a better human or man then anyone else. But natural is an adjective. And theres not really much you can add to natural I guess unless your nude but we don't call naked people super natural we call them naked. I'm just saying. But I totally got off subject and rambled about something that is not even relevant. Okay where did I leave off of, oh yeah death death death. What's the meaning? where do you go? what happens?

Before I start I have to say that I am not scared to die. I hope it’s for a just cause like saving someone's life or for something that I believe in. I hope it’s not of old age or something stupid like stray bullets. Which is a real thing. People get hit with stray bullets. It's very unfortunate and sad but it happens. At my funeral I want yall to party like its 1999. or Dec. 20, 2012. I'm just saying it’s a celebration and that's how I live my life. I figure that my funeral is the last time you'll get to be around you and if you ever had to have the opportunity to be around me when I was alive you know we would of had a blast just doing regular stuff like going to the store or just watching tv. So I would want my funeral to be as such. Man I digress there is so much to say about death I might have to break it down and make it a whole series on death. I keep getting off track. Well the main topic I want to talk about is the afterlife and particularly what happens after you die but more of the way you get there. Does it really matter what we do in our life? Are people who are Jeffery Domer or the Son of Sam experiencing the same things we regular people do when we die? Will a potty mouth keep me from going to heaven if in fact heaven does exist? Every culture has some form of an idea as to what happens to the spirit after it leaves the body. Someone's gotta be right or ALL of them are wrong. How about when people come back from the dead who have been dead for days? Did they go to heaven or hell to wait to come back? Did they go to purgatory? All that to say, what if suicide was not the fastest way to hell? what if suicide is just the fastest way to the afterlife? And no I'm not thinking about commuting suicide, this is just a discussion about death. People kill themselves for a bunch of reasons but the main reason (don’t quote me on it) is because they are just tired of the physical life as we know it. I get it life is hard. But what if they were actually on to something? If scientist came out and said today we found out what actually happens when you die and it is confirmed by one of the other scientist that it is okay for you to kill yourself that no matter what you did on earth we're all going to the same place. Would you off yourself? To tell you the truth I’d consider it. Actually doing it? Probably not. I would have to be a witness myself and really hate my life to just want to say fuck it I wanna be in the afterlife. Right now I love being alive and experiencing everything I can. I love to smile. I love to laugh. I love to cry. I love the feeling tears feel when they leave your eyes. I don't know if ya’ll think of life in that way but I do and I try and cherish every moment because I'm never sure if I'll get the opportunity to experience a shower again to brush my teeth again to walk again to tell someone I love them again. To look at the stars again. I try my best not to take things for granite even though I probably could do better but even superman can stand for a little improvement. I'm just saying. So if I decide to do a series on death this will be the first entry and you don't have to be scared to read it. I won't make it dark and depressing I'll do my best to think of you when I'm writing it and be sensitive to those facts. Until the next late night early morning fest I hope you enjoyed and I put some questions in your head to consider. That is all.

I Did It On Purpose

The definition of purpose is: the result, end, mean, aim, or goal of an action intentionally undertaken. The question I pose to you is what is the purpose? Of what you might ask? Well… EVERYTHING. I'll narrow it down a little but I think you should ask yourself this question in everything you do. Example: what's the purpose of getting angry at someone your gonna forgive in the next ten minutes or a day or so. Do you want another example? Well what's the purpose of going out of my way for someone who doesn't even seem to care for me? These are not question I'm demanding you to ask yourself. All I can do is ask you to think about it and try it out. Maybe you can benefit from a different way of thinking. Okay now I'm going to narrow it down to a topic. I didn't break it all the way down because the purpose that I want to focus on has a wide range of directions we can go on. I'm just going to share some ways I feel about it.

What is the purpose of life? Big question right? Almost like asking what major I should pick when I don't even know what I'm good at or what I like. Yes I just downgraded life’s purpose to picking a major. But it all ties in. Because life's decisions is what either brings us to or pushes us away from our so called purpose. When you talk about purpose you have to think about the past and the future. You have to think about humanity as a whole. Every culture that has existed on this planet. Not necessarily in-depth but if you are thinking about purpose it is good to know about different ways of living. Egyptians built pyramids that we still have not figured out the whole extent of. Other cultures have built these giant structures that point to the stars with no explanation of how they were even able to build them or move large stone from point A to B. What's the purpose? I mean can you imagine believing in something so much that you build a huge monument. Or more recently believing in something so much that you either kill yourself and others around you. Look at all these cults that have killed thousands of people because of what they believed to be their purpose. Were we meant to live the way we live? Is there a bigger purpose to life? These are the questions I pose to you. I don't know the answer. From my research, which is not an in-depth study, it’s more like if I want to know something I just Google it, well in my Googling, or however you make Google an action, I've come to find out that purpose is an individual thing. Maybe your purpose is to raise a family; maybe your purpose is to be a big basketball star. Who knows? But what I do know is that if you find a purpose and look at it in the big picture form. I promise one way or another your life with gravitate around it and it'll only be a matter of time before it is received.

Okay I'm actually done with what I had to say about purpose in this blog but I'm not satisfied because I feel like even though this is a discussion about purpose I still discussed it on a carnal level. The direction I ended in was not particularly the direction I wanted to go. However I still felt I achieved in getting a point across. Now after saying that I feel like I wouldn't be doing this topic justice if I didn't have you to consider purpose on a bigger level and not so individual as in why do we exist? How do we exist? Why do humans live so differently from all the other species on this planet? We have scientist that attempt to explain some of these questions but instead of coming up with an answer they just seem to always state facts like the earth is round. And humans breathe oxygen. Those are Facts. And that's all good and dandy but it doesn't explain the existence of why we exist the way we do. If we can figure that little bit out. I think that would make humans sky rocket into the future light years. To have a purpose and to see the big picture is such a huge motivation. And to not have is to exist the way we exist now. Yes I said that we as humans being have not figured out our purpose so we just do what we do and go in any direction that we go. And now I declare that I have done the topic of purpose justice.

Connection in My Reflection

I read half of books...
See I'm a bit of an asshole and a smart ass. Which makes me a bit of a know-it-all which makes me think I know how a book is gonna end. I've been not absolutely proud of it. But we're all dealing with our personality’s right? So I read half of this book. The book was called "blink", without knowing it, this would be my first introduction to some form of quantum physics. Which in turn would change my life. Quantum Physics is a little hard to explain because it’s hard to understand. It pushes the limits of your mind and expands it. So this book "Blink", it poses the question. How long does it really take to get to know someone? The book is the documentation of several studies about people who have known people for years and didn't know anything about them verses people who have just met knowing a great deal about each other. There's one study that shows that the brain will pick up on a pattern before you yourself actually realize it. I really enjoyed this book at least the part I read. Never did get around to the end of that. None the less I figure I got the jest of what it was trying to express to me.

I believe in connections. I've known a lot about people that I've never met before in sort of a "déjà vu" way. More recently I met someone whose life mirrors mine. I mean we talk all the time but it seem we don't ever have to talk. It's almost like we have the same brain. When we're not talking we're having similar thoughts. We've even been watching the same thing on tv or streaming the same thing on Netflix. I've been told repeatedly that these are just coincidences but I know better. And I don't have to think if they know better either because without saying it there's a connection that I've never experienced before and I have a twin. I'm just saying. Circumstances prevent us from calling it what it is. But you can imagine finding someone you didn't know you were looking for. You can imagine someone turning out to be someone you totally didn't expect. Our brains figure shit out before we even begin to comprehend what is going on around us. Past cultures have written about subjects such as true love and soul mates and being able to have connections on higher planes. I have never intentionally been to a higher plane. But evident in my life have shown me that I have in fact been on these higher planes and I wasn't alone. We can measure thoughts. If we can only acknowledge that there are at least the possibility of things that we don't know about certain things or aspects about life then we can open our minds to so much more. As for me the connection I see feels like my reflection only I'm not looking in the mirror I'm looking at you.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Police Brutality Reality

Dear Mr. policeman and woman do you think our lives are worthless? Do you think we're not the same? Just like you go home to a spouse and kids do you not think we have no one to care for? Why do you belittle us and beat us with your weapons? How do you support none violence by using violence? If I attempt to do the things to you that you are allowed to do to me then I will find myself locked away and you get to support your family another day. It's not that we don't like you Mr. Policeman. But we need some understanding. Some questions need to be answered. The communities that you have sworn to uphold and protect, is the same community that you beat down and oppress. How do you sleep at night knowing that there’s another you creeping around the corner lurking in the shadows waiting for their next victim? Would you be okay if your wife and kids were subject to the same treatment? Than why should we? Why should we smile and wave at you? When on any day you can pick my name out of a hat and make my life a living Hell on ice. Why should I be okay with you sexually harassing my wife on a routine traffic stop? No Mr. Police man it is not okay for you to touch me and go in my pockets and search for evidence to things you have no idea about. No Mr. Policeman I do not support you using violence on me or anyone else that has not caused a direct threat upon your life. What is the deal with your aggressive nature? Because you beat the shit out of me when I talk calmly to you, I don't want to talk to you when you need my help. I didn't see anything. But even that is a crime. Will you scare me more by telling me to give you information about subjects and events that I know nothing about? Please Mr. Police man throw down your hatred and stand up for something. Stand up for the people who help support your family by paying taxes. Yes the world is bad, but you are supposed to stand up for what is good and right. When I see red and blue all think about is black and blue. Take these hand cuffs off and I’ll show you what's up. How about I put them on you and show who’s really tough. You can scream when you've had enough. But you'll be out of luck. Cause no one will hear you but us. And while your laying there thinking “this couldn't be happening to me” and wonder if you'll ever see your family again or if you get justice. I'll be yelling about how I'm gonna rape your wife and beat your kids. And they’ll not gonna have a daddy or momma any more. Not so great when the tables are turned. You should handle people with more respect and remember your human just like us. And you can be subject to the same humiliation and torches you inflicted on us.

When I Tell You I Love You

I love you... what does it really me to love someone? What's the difference between loving someone and being in love? I know love is a discussion a lot on this blog but I believe in true love and I heard this guy say,after explaining that both of his ex-wives were bitches, that “if you don't believe in love what's the point of living”... and I totally agree. I know I have been in bad relationships over and over again... and to tell you the truth they weren't that bad. But I still like to think they were bad enough. None the less the most intense love I had for a person didn't last. I've been in love before and after that time but none was quite like that one time. I think love has to do more with locations and times then actual emotions. Yeah emotion has a lot to do with it but I can love someone I just met yesterday and if I would of met them earlier or later it wouldn't be the same. The attraction wouldn't be as strong. But I'm not trying to discrediting any theory on love, or what you feel in your heart. I'm just giving you a suggestion, a new way to consider, just something else for you to think about. Nobody can really give a real good definition of love. You know it when you feel it because its unique to the individual or individuals that are in it. I was in bible class and heard a really good and creative explanation of god being love. It pretty much says that you have to have the holy spirit and if two people decide to come together. Then for them to be in love they have to both have the holy spirit. And by them both having the holy spirit they will be in love in Christ. It was something like that. Please don't quote me I don't think I explained it very well. But I think you may get the gist. Love god and in that you'll be in love... and if you find a mate that loves god then you'll be in love together or in love with each other. Yeah I think that's better. I don't even believe in none of that anymore. But I figured you god believer might get something out of it. Okay now back to my point. Could it be possible to have more than one soul mate. Depending on the time and situation? Would your so called soul mate be your soul mate had you met them in different circumstances? These are just questions. I usually don't deal with the “what if” scenarios. You know the “what if” I turned left instead of right. “What if” I never met you. You know those types of scenarios. I like to deal with facts and things I can test out for myself. I can't explain it but I don't like some people but I love them. To tell you the truth I'd rather you like me forever then to love me. Because people do crazy stuff when their in love. Someone that loves you might do something bad to you. But someone that likes you wants to see good things for you. Think about it. And that's all I'm gonna say about love right now. I know I was scattered all over the place but that's how my mind rolls. and your gonna have to deal with it. I love you :)

I Mean Life Man... LIFE!!!!

I've decided I want to live a more meaningful life. Well what does that mean exactly? A lot of people talk about wanting to be successful especially after Drake and lil Wayne made that song. But what does it mean to be successful? A lot of money? a lot of cars? Clothes and hoes? I personally say no. To me that's not what life is about, acquiring a bunch of things and people around you doesn't make you successful to me. However if that's your goal then by all means do what you do. I haven't been a hater since 1995. Me saying I want to live a more meaningful life is me wanting experience life in all type of ways. Me wanting to feed the poor and teach kids. Not in a civil servant type of way more in a grassroots type of style. I wanna live on other continents and in different countries. I want to learn and experience different cultures. Practice different customs find the root of those customs. That's what a more meaningful life means to me. Now I just have the courage to do it.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Fall For Your Type

I thought I knew my type of girl. I thought I knew what I was looking for. All until I met you. And not the you in my mind. The real you. I have never in my life met your type. In my life you are truly unique. A rare jewel that shines brighter then the sun. The life I lived lead me to what I am and the life you lived lead you to the person that you are and what you are is beautiful. By far the most interesting person I've ever met. I'm used to wowing people with the stories in my life. But for once you have wowed me with everything you are. You have really given me hope in life and what I should expect from my significant other. What are standards if you've never seen them manifest. To think you really know what or who you want until you met someone that flips that shit on its head.

Expression of affection is the wrong direction if the direction that your fetching is in discretion pause for a second. And think about what is manifesting don't forget the lesson that you learned the last time you requested. Weapons against the heart are only from the mind. Deflection with reality is your only reflection. Yes her reflection is perfection. But your confession will not be well receptive or respective if its prematurely ejaculative.