Saturday, April 30, 2011

Personally that ain't your personality

Army times 3 years, no combat time, no deployments, field time estimated at about 4 months...
I would say I haven't learned much from being in the army but that would be a lie. The truth is even though I knew a lot of good; I was exposed to more bad then good in the army. I have a good track record of about three years doing anything, jobs are especially on the tip top of the list. I seem to get to a point where I'm comfortable and my daily routine becomes rather easy. Something in my head snaps and I have to figure out the best way out. I'm pretty much at that point in my life right now. I'm tired of the military and pretty much all it has to offer. It might be a good thing for you and yours, so I won't knock it. But I can confidently say that the unit I'm in is not for me. Something in me was telling me to express that. This blog is not about army life. This blog is about you and your personality. Personally how well do you know your personality? Can you think about a situation and put yourself in it and know exactly how your gonna act? Do you know yourself well enough to take yourself there in your mind? The mind is a powerful thing. Scientist measured brain waves while people were sleep and the activities that they were doing in their dreams when mimic-ed the same activities while awake the brain waves reacted the exact same way. This should let you know that it is possible to put yourself in a different positions and situations. Or literally walk in someone else's shoes. How well are you connected to your brain and your imagination? I brought up the army because it takes you out of the ordinary environment and places you in what they call controlled (chaos). Which just mean we know what's going on, you just don't. When you enter this environment ( I.e. laser tag, video games in general) "you", (everything that is your personally) is there at the beginning but when you see the environment change you realize that you must adapt to survive. Because survive is the #1 law of nature. Priority #1 if you’re dead, fuck everything else.(as if you had a choice) I've seen the biggest badest people in a natural setting get in the field and become very different people. Almost contradictive. Which brings me to the question, how do you react to stress? Do you know how your gonna act when those bullets get to jumping at you? Think about it. Try and put your mind there. I've been shot at I know what i'll do. This question is for you. I've seen big bad wolves blow down lil piggy’s house down and get popped by the weasel. It really bugs me is when people change to an extreme to their environment. My eyes are brown they will be brown in any situation. My personality is Shaun Lamar, I’ll pretty much be that in any situation. I might change my tone depending on what the situation is but the environment has nothing to do with my personality. Or does it? What if I'm wrong? what if the environment really does directly affect your personality maybe I'm wrong? I'm going to do some research on the environments and the direct affect it has on the human personality or and behavior for that matter. I'll get back to you on that note...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What You Believe in is the Truth and the Truth is a Lie

What you believe is stronger than truth. Truth has many definitions so I looked it up so I could break it down or at least just prove a point about yourself and our reality. Truth: the state of being in accord with a particular fact or reality, or being in accord with the body of real things, real events or actualities. It can also mean having fidelity to an original or to a standard or ideal. In a common archaic usage it also meant constancy or sincerity in action or character. Truth by definition is not reality. But they both tie in together. We move through our lives on how we feel. We use our feeling to direct our actions and they help pursued our decisions. Our feeling are not a direct result of our morals but our morals have a lot to do with our feelings and actions. Where do morals come from you might ask. Morals come from living, experiencing life, a big chunk comes from our parents and another big chunk comes from our belief system (Religion, etc…). We ask questions like “What would you do in a particular situation?” to test our morals as human beings. I think morals go as far as your society. Some people believe you are born with morals. But I disagree only because what's good in one culture is bad in another one. The reason I'm talking about morals is to get you to the point of thinking about what you believe and that being stronger then truth. Thus having what you believe becoming your reality and truth having to submit to what you believe in. Thus proving what you believe is stronger than truth. I can give you an example. I'm sure we've all been in situations where someone (preferably a significant other in this example) came into the scene at the wrong time and all they caught was doing something unfavorable (against someone's morals) maybe you where cleaning a spot off of someone pants or you spilled something on your shirt and you needed someone to help you change it because you injured your hands. Who knows what type of situation it was? But that fact is someone caught you. And without you being able to explain they rush out the room shouting how could you do this? You running after them with your pants around your ankles shouting “it’s not what it looks like”. The point is to that person who came in at the wrong moment, it is what it looks like. All it takes is for that person to believe it’s possible, then see what they believe as possible, and now what they thought was possible is not only possible but what? Yes kids you got it... reality. Thus proving in this example that what they believed in is stronger than truth. As far as human relation goes trust is a powerful thing. You have to know someone well enough to not believe what you believed to be possible as not being reality. True the truth needs no proof to be the truth; it simple has to be the truth. But the truth that sounds like a lie with no proof can only be believed by faith. Faith equals trust. And faith is a whole nother ball game.

I wanted to say something about none human relations. As far as what you believe in being stronger then the truth. Things such as; how the world started and what happens when you die? Are ghost real? Do aliens exist? What is the soul? All of these questions are on our minds and we as individuals have answers for them, even if the answer is I don't know. I think we all want to find truth in what we believe. And want the truth (or our truth) to be our reality (or the reality). So that leads to the question how do we decipher from all that we've been given as truth from what we want to be the truth or our reality. Well how well do you truth the source? How well do you truth yourself in trusting the source? Heavy right? I don't have the answers to these questions I'm just like you. My truth is my reality and my reality is what I believe in. And what you believe to be true will always be stronger than the truth.


I had a crazy thought the other day while watching a video on this website. Its called very cool website. The definition of what kind of website it is, is in the address its self. Simply put it tells you how everything works from recipes for brownies to Quantum Physics. I ran across this series of videos called ten ways the human race will come to an end or ten ways the world will end. One reason it caught my attention is because me and my best friend have been talking about Dec. 21 2012, if you don't know about this date you should do some research. Okay back to the topic. We all know (and probably seen a movie on) the typical ways the world will end; a big asteroids, an earthquake, an alien invasion, robots take over. You know those things. Well one of the reason was pretty intriguing to me. It had to do with these microchips that reproduce themselves. Which is a pretty cool concept when you’re talking about space travel and the wear and tear of a space ship or unmanned probe creating a new self to finish its journey. What if it comes back to earth hostile or comes back in the past and we haven't even made it yet. That's pretty intense right. But it could be possible. Anyway so these scientist are in some underground lair (and their probably not in an underground lair but it sound cooler right?) making these molecule robots that recreate themselves. What the video was saying was what if they make a mistake and keep growing and growing and growing and just absorb the earth and then the universe? Which makes for a pretty cool sci-fi movie or at least a book right? Well my mind took it to another level instead of thinking man that sounds pretty bad. My mind was like "dude what if we the human race and everything living on Earth are actually just alien technology" think about it. Instead of us making robots in a lab thinking our robots might take over us, what if we were actually made in an alien’s basement lair and earth was really just a dumping ground for chemical waste. I'm not saying that's the truth because we all know that god made us in his like-Ness or something like that. But what if that was the truth how would that shake your meaning of life? This is what my mind does. I wish I could attribute this to some drug but I haven't done any drugs in a long while and my mind has been taking me on these mini journeys since my inception, or lack of contraception. Get it? Whatever this is what I deal with it and now it’s out there so now you have to deal with.

Your Speaking My Language

Imagine if we couldn't talk. If we had no language. If we were like animals that could only communicate through our actions. I think our connection with each other would be so much stronger. We'd almost have to be able to read each other’s mind. I think I like that idea. The idea that I know what you’re thinking without saying it. I know I'm pretty good at reading peoples body language. Actually I'm pretty awesome at reading people in general. I think one day ill take a break from talking and exercise my mind by using my actions to communicate. That sounds crazy right. But it’s not, think about it. Two people with a connection so strong that they communicate with their mind only, no words, no sign language. They just know. I know it’s possible all I wanna know is who's with me. I think I can take our minds there but I need someone willing to go to that dept of the mind with me.

Alone In Love

I like being in love and the same time I like being alone. Life alone seems like a sad life. But it’s not. You get to be yourself to the extreme. When you want to laugh you laugh when you want to cry you cry. You get to experience different emotions at will. Not worrying about who's around. Who will see you. By waiting to express an emotion you cheat yourself of the experience. To be able to just let it flow is an awesome feeling. It's intense. So I said all that to express that if you can find someone to be with and when your around them they make you feel alone(in the sense of how I just explained being alone) then that's great. That's the kind of love and comfortableness that I want. To feel so connected to know that it’s okay to express all that I can express when it comes.

Death From Above (Entry 2 of series on Death)

Life life life, so many blogs about life, how to live, how not to live, how to experience it. Well this blog is about death. Yes death. Let's take you on a trip through life to get you thinking about your death. I'm not gonna talk about where you go and what happens to you because I don't know. Today I want to talk about, what is a just cause for death. I mean you’re lucky if you die of old age. But let's be for real the way we live how many people really make it to old age and just die in their sleep. The majority of us will die from stuff like cancer or some unfortunate illness. The other majority is by accidents, and if you skin is the same color as mine most likely you’ll be filled with holes from some trigger happy so called frightened police officer while you pull out your I.d. that you were just asked to present. I’m just saying. The other day this young lady got shot by the police. Normally I’d be up in arms but this time when I heard the full story I was like “damn she's fucking up”. The first reports were this girl was stealing out of wal-mart ( as we so often do. Let's be real about it) and a plain clothes police officer tried to stop her car and shot the young ( black I might add) woman in the face. Now that sounds bad, really bad and the city was up in arms because I'm not the only one who hates the police and I'm totally justified in my hatred for them. We don't have gang problems we have police problems. ( it’s okay to quote that.) Now upon hearing the real story it got me thinking about the things we'll die for. The young lady didn't die but she's probably going to jail for a while. The real story was she as stealing (as we so often do... be real about it) she jumped in her car. A black police officer (which should be an oxymoron) in his stupid looking police officer uniform jumped out and tried to stop her. Upon him yelling stop she pushed the gas and hit him thus leading him to fire into the vehicle. There were accounts of the passenger yelling "hit his ass" but all that is irrelevant he say she say shit unless it was actually caught on camera. Now I don't really care what you think about the situation I don't like police as I've stated before and especially don't like black police. So 9 times out of 10 you can bet I will be on the opposite side of the police no matter what the situation is. You can tell me I'm wrong you can try and change my mind but I'm telling you I won't change my view point unless they change everything that a police officer is allow to do to us. Which get me back to the point at hand, what is worthy of death? Cheating on your spouse? Running a red light? Wanting to get as high as possible? I think it’s an important question and it should be considered throughout your life. There's a gun in my face the only request is for my sneakers. Are these special edition air Nike transformer Jordan dunks worth me getting shot in the face? I know my answer. And you should know yours. If this question was presented more to you I think a lot of things just wouldn't happen. Actions and consequences. Most of the time the consequence is not death but what if it is? What would you die for? That girl was about to die for stealing? In any religion I don't think that's a way to get to heaven. We should all consider death in the things we do the actions we take. It shouldn't make you scared to do anything it should make you confident in the things you want to do, in the decisions you make every day. Think just a little before you do something. Ask yourself what if I die doing this? And if the answer is I'll die for that. Then do it. It's an individual thing. I can’t give you the answer. I think we can all make this world better if we exercise that question a little bit more.