Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I had a crazy thought the other day while watching a video on this website. Its called howdothingswork.com very cool website. The definition of what kind of website it is, is in the address its self. Simply put it tells you how everything works from recipes for brownies to Quantum Physics. I ran across this series of videos called ten ways the human race will come to an end or ten ways the world will end. One reason it caught my attention is because me and my best friend have been talking about Dec. 21 2012, if you don't know about this date you should do some research. Okay back to the topic. We all know (and probably seen a movie on) the typical ways the world will end; a big asteroids, an earthquake, an alien invasion, robots take over. You know those things. Well one of the reason was pretty intriguing to me. It had to do with these microchips that reproduce themselves. Which is a pretty cool concept when you’re talking about space travel and the wear and tear of a space ship or unmanned probe creating a new self to finish its journey. What if it comes back to earth hostile or comes back in the past and we haven't even made it yet. That's pretty intense right. But it could be possible. Anyway so these scientist are in some underground lair (and their probably not in an underground lair but it sound cooler right?) making these molecule robots that recreate themselves. What the video was saying was what if they make a mistake and keep growing and growing and growing and just absorb the earth and then the universe? Which makes for a pretty cool sci-fi movie or at least a book right? Well my mind took it to another level instead of thinking man that sounds pretty bad. My mind was like "dude what if we the human race and everything living on Earth are actually just alien technology" think about it. Instead of us making robots in a lab thinking our robots might take over us, what if we were actually made in an alien’s basement lair and earth was really just a dumping ground for chemical waste. I'm not saying that's the truth because we all know that god made us in his like-Ness or something like that. But what if that was the truth how would that shake your meaning of life? This is what my mind does. I wish I could attribute this to some drug but I haven't done any drugs in a long while and my mind has been taking me on these mini journeys since my inception, or lack of contraception. Get it? Whatever this is what I deal with it and now it’s out there so now you have to deal with.

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