Thursday, April 25, 2013

That D is Just so DRAMATIC!!!

Greeting people, I guess I should tell people what is going on. A lot of ya’ll have been in the dark and the people that know somethings only know a little bit. I guess if I died today than all this information that I’m holding on to would die with it so let me expose myself and what I’m doing and what will come in the future for Shaun Lamar and D for Dramatic.

About 3 weeks ago I was depressed and I really hated my life because it was going nowhere fast. I thank my friends for helping me keep my head up and try keep a positive attitude. I had an idea to move to California since I moved back to Montgomery from New Orleans. It was so far-fetched to me and in my mind of timelines; it was at least a year out. I’m not going to tell the story today of how I got to San Francisco from Montgomery, leaving with only $50 in gas money and a prayer that maybe we’ll get there. Soon there will be a blog or maybe a book or something that I will write for you guys to check out. That project is still in the idea stage as of right now, plus I’m still getting situated here.  My hope is to inspire you guys out there to live your dreams, follow your institution, and truly live life how we all were all meant to. If there was ever one person that found happiness in life than why can’t it be you as well? Nobody is too far gone. So what will I be doing in San Francisco? That’s the question the police asked us when we got stopped in Arizona, “Live” is the answer I gave, and it’s the answer I’m giving you as well. Because sides my smart ass answer, D for Dramatic is what I’m about, soon you all will be able to have some of my art in your house, on shirts, hats, bracelets, all kinds of stuff. More writings and more pictures, videos, art, music, and more poetry. Eventually I will open an art gallery that may host poetry nights and stuff like that. Do ya’ll like wine and cheese? We can eat cheese and sip on wine and talk about past lives and share love stories, or watch comedy or listen to spoken word, I don’t know what ya’ll are going to want to do, but we’ll be able to do it. So that’s basically the direction I’m headed in and that’s basically what D for Dramatic is. I thank all of you for supporting me and my endeavors even when you had no idea what they were. Together we can change the world by loving and supporting good things that promote positive ideas and love above all. So I’ll keep everyone posted and expect more awesome things, I love you… oh and I don’t hate my life anymore… it rocks!!

ya'll go over to and check out what we have over there