Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Turn on the Fan

In my life time I have been a fan to many people. Most I can consider a role model of some sort. But actually I look at everyone as a role model of how to live or how not to live. I think that’s a pretty good practice if you’re really looking for the best in life. I have been a huge fan to Cam’ron in the nineties, Kanye West, Cee-lo Green, and more recently WALE… I’ve been fans of other forms of Art mainly directors and actors. But who doesn’t have a favorite actor. My favorite author is Neil Strauss. You may not know him but he is one of the reasons I really wanted to pursue writing. What being a fan to me is having a connection with that person and not just their art I want to know all about them, where they grow up, what made them want to do what they do, what gave them the courage to who they are. I didn’t mention the local people that are randomly on different sites that I myself are a part of. I think they need the most support because I know how it is to put your all into something and nobody really cares about it. Or people didn’t respond to it as you thought they would. I enjoy being a fan for the simple fact that I hope it’s enough motivation for you to continue doing what you’re doing. I mean you wouldn’t be in the entrainment business if you didn’t think you could entertain. All I’m saying is embrace your fans the ones that love you and support ALL that you do. Because there are going to be people that hate you because you’re doing the things that you want to do. And it’s always great to know someone thinks your work is pretty awesome and worth paying attention to… that all

Friday, February 11, 2011

Abolition of Black History Month

We can argue all day that this country is divided racially. Instead of being the melting pot, we are more like beef stew... everything's in the pot nothing is really fussed together. We just co-exists. When America was found or founded people from all over the world came to see this "New World" which was inhabited by people already. Early Americans fought and took what they wanted with no mercy or respect to the cultural that were already in place. We have better weapons so what is yours belongs to us or else. And it ended up being "or else" and the results slaughter or a mass extinction of the indigenes people of the Americas. This wouldn't be the last of the injustice that the American people/government would inflict on a culture or people. America was founded on death. From its inceptions it was immortalized in/blood blood. Land of the free indeed unless you have something to say about what we're doing. Black people were brought to America as slaves. But that's not what black history is about. Its well known that the world indulged in slavery. so that doesn't make this unique to American history. However when black people were freed a lot of separation and discrimination was going on. Even though the constitution states that “all men are created equal”. Black people were not looked at as human and not until the 60's and 70's did the politics of civil rights start to turn tables. America still has a long way to go but seeing that America can't last forever I'm sure it will never reach the point that everyone gets treated the same. Today, just as when "black history month" was started, Black Americans are excluded from American history. And the few times that they are included, with maybe the exception on Rosa Parks and Martian Luther king jr., the stories are riddled with lies and a one sided account. Black role models and leaders and organizations are described as criminals. Is it criminal to stand for freedom? Is it criminal fight for the equal rights? In history police get glorified for oppressing black people. They have picture of peaceful demonstrations being broke up by police with battalions and Billy clubs. They sprayed people with water hoses and let dogs attack people just for standing up for their right to be treated equally as it says in the constitution. Black history doesn't have to be important to you. But you should know that you can't mention America without mentioning the black struggle. The stuff black people have had to endure in America. The constant belittling and expressions of worthless-ness. There are some that say there is no need for a black history month. I agree only if black history was included in American history. And I mean real black history. History that tells the real story about the black panthers and Ronald Regan and the police and crack cocaine and gangs and gentrification and the CIA. Id agree and be delighted to get rid of black history month when American history is the real history. Everybody should embrace black history as their history. Only because it is your history.


This is my stance on everything religious and spiritual... I have pretty much kept quite for about 3 or 4 years as to what I really believe in. Its not because I wanted to keep it secret its only because I didn't really know where I stood in the scheme of things. I'm more confident now and have a better understanding of my self and the world around me. So now I can clearly or make it clear enough for someone other then myself to understand.

I grow up nothing. As a child we read the bible at home and did not go to church. I asked my mother one time what we were and she said just tell people your Baptist. I wasn't really in to impressing people so I just told people I didn't know and they would be all concerned about my well-being and of course my afterlife. If I didn't know anything though I knew I wasn't a Christian. The ones I had met so far were very hypocritical. It used to bother me when they would tell me not to cuss. But it was okay when they were upset to curse and tell people to go to hell and stuff like that. It really turned me off to even wanting to be a Christian. But I still read the bible and believed the stuff that I read. Back then I didn't really understand religion. It was weird to me that we were suppose to pay the church tiding for our sins and Jesus already died for them...lol that was a joke. But a lot of the operations of the church confused me. And me asking people that went to church the reason as to why they did some of these things. It seemed to me that they didn't know either. I would get answers but they couldn't explain their answers and I asked a couple of pastors and they always had the similar answers... blah blah blah but you should attend church to get a real understanding of things. My reply was always well come pick me up and I'll go... yeah turns out everybody wants you to go to heaven and come to their church unless they have to come and get you. But whatever I still pushed on.

I didn't start attending any type of service regularly until my second semester in college. Even though I hadn't be to church regularly ever. people were always surprised at what I actually know about the bible and they stuff they believed in. Religion always interests me. Because like I said before I didn't understand and I definitely didn't understand why the operations were true... for example purgatory... from my understanding in the catholic faith... when you died and you don't go to heaven you go to purgatory and you family prays and pays money to get you out and then you go to heaven... now I'm sure I'm not 100% right about this. But from that understanding nobody goes to hell?? Am I correct about that? I'd ask you to correct me but I no longer care about the inner workings of that religious faith. I've investigated until I was satisfied. Which brings me to Bible class or the Institute of Divine Metaphysical Research. I was introduced by a friend that I worked with (they actually came and got me). This bible class was not an ordinary bible class. I'm not gonna tell you about it but if you want to know something about here is the website www.idmr.net I'm almost positive that there is a location near you if you ever want to check it out in person. In this bible class I learned a lot of new things like the name of god and the inner workings of the bible. I attended faithfully for several years. I even got a ministers license to teach the class... that's a little known fact about me... I'm absolutely positive that you don't know that about me. I don't tell anybody because when people know they tend to put their morals and better judgment on the way you live your life. But you don't know my struggle so can't feel my hustle...lol how hood of me to say right... lol I know... but yeah so I attended this class regularly and got familiar with the material and gospel. Id say one of the biggest benefits about it was me learning all the scriptures. I was pretty good at naming and relating.

I'm not gonna bash the class or the people that attend/attended. I will say that the leaders in our branch didn't seem to live the thinks they professed to believe. But it doesn't seem like any religion has a well put together clergy without any drama. I guess that's the right word for it. Needless to say I stop attending because I felt as if they were not preaching what I believed anymore. Somewhere they turned and I missed it. I wouldn't say I was on the right path but I believed in what I believed in sincerely and you can ask all the people that knew me at the time. Bible class came before anything. 3 days a week I was in that class for 2 hours each time sometimes more when we had bible study early on Sunday and Saturday class which was 2 hours also. So yeah I lived breathed and eat bible class.

Before I stop attending I came across quantum physic. It pretty much blow my mind with the dept and difficulty to understand exactly what it was. I did minimal research enough to be able to discuss it but not enough to break it down to someone. Quantum physics gave me a lot of questions about what I was taught and what I actually believed to be true. I didn't ask the questions because in the past questions get answered weather you verbalize them or not. The questions I had nobody seemed to be able to even get on that level. I watched movies and documentary about different concepts about life... the secret, ancient aliens, 2012 stuff, outer space stuff, sept. 11 conspiracy stuff amongst other government conspiracies. The illumati ,astrology And looking into some of the earliest civillazations and why they don't exist any more. As well as religions before the ones we know today.

I know your wondering what do all those topics have to do with my faith and what I believe in. Well they all have something to do with the past. And I believe that we live in cycles. And that its okay to see what happened in the past too prepare for the future. Just don't dwell on the past.

Okay with saying all that I'll tell you what I believe in and I'm gonna say it how I say it, because I don't claim to know everything, and I don't expect you to throw away what you believe in to adapted my belief system. I don't criticize anything anyone believes in. Unless is obviously not true. But here it goes.

I don't believe the bible is all truth as it is written. I believe in certain parts. Just because there are accounts of things that happened globally in all cultures. So weather the account is true or not is the real question. But like I said I believe it as an account and not actual history as it is written. After ALL my research I don't believe god as we believe god to be exist. I believe that the accounts of god in the bibles and other writings were actual beings. Maybe aliens or people from the future or whatever. Just not God in the sense that he made everything and he knows all our thoughts and all we have to do is believe in him to be blessed or go to heaven. I don't believe in heaven or hell which means I don't believe in right or wrong. I don't think it matters what you do on this earth. Which doesn't make me wanna do bad things it just makes me not want to turn the other cheek as far as payback or revenge goes. I do believe in good and evil. I don't know what happens when you die. I believe in souls, I don't know if they're really eternal. I don't if reincarnation is what happens. I don't know what happens when we die nor do I have a concept. I believe in this whole big universe we are not alone. I believe the earth is older then we think and the ancient people were a lot smarter then we think they were. I mean they built the pyramids. And to tell you the truth that's not the most amazing thing they did. I think I covered all my belief system. I'm not a atheist because I don't even believe in the concept of an all knowing being. I do believe that we should be way more in touch with what's going on in the universe. I think that's it. If you have any question feel free to ask i'd love to discuss our beliefs

Saturday, February 5, 2011

You got Brown in my skin

I thought of this in January and I wrote a poem to go with it. I wrote and posted the poem but I never got around to writing the article that was to go with it. Incidentally I let February catch up with me so now this kind of looks like a black history thing. But its not I've always loved being black. I've always loved who we are and who we have the potential to be collectively. Since it is black history month I might as well discuss some topics that have come up since. No wait I'll take that back I'll just write another blog about that I'll just do what I said I was gonna do with this blog... which is not much I really just wanted to express how much love I have for my skin color and what it means to me. I love the negative and positive reactions that I get from people just because of my brown skin. Being brown is a privilege. Paul Mooney said one that "Everybody want to be a nigga but nobody wants to be a nigga". Which I'm gonna flip it a little and take out the word nigga because this is not about being a nigga. This is about being brown skinned.

Being brown skin means something to me. It means being who you are year around. Nobody mistakes you for another race (even though there are other races that are brown skin). Having brown skin represents my heritage who I am who my ancestor were who my children and there will be. If I died and god was like "Shaun your dead in the physical word but I'm gonna give you another chance at life. The only difference is you get to choose the color and race" BINGO... I'll choose the same thing every time. I never wanted to be light skinned, white, tan or any other race I take pride in who I am and what my ancestors went through. I love my brown skin... and that's it