Tuesday, December 31, 2013


If I get to live and other people don't... than i'm going to really LIVE!!!!!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Future Presence or See you When I See You

I'll get back to this when I get a chance... meanwhile I'm working on wonderful things... so please bare with me and thank you for being so patient with me... it's always been said that greatness takes time... so give me some time :)

Friday, July 12, 2013

My Single Life or the Olivia Pope theory

freedom beyond these bars

There was something in me that told me maybe I should apologize for my last post as it was one or two sentences. The title was longer than the post (Lol). I decided against it because when I tried to write more I just erased it. It is a perfect post and I’m at a point right now where in every instance in my life I need to bleed my own true existence and that means I need to do everything that is “me” immediately. I’m working on being okay with who I am as a person

                Before moving to California and especially after living in Atlanta and New Orleans, I was very sure that I knew who I was. I didn’t know what my purpose was but knowing that I had a purpose to one day fulfill gave me confidence in who I was. When I got here with all my confidence and charm, slowly but surely, the person I thought I knew I was was slowly breaking down and disappearing. I left some things back in the south and it wasn’t just a storage full of memories and furniture. I left a world that I had known all my life, 20 something years was all I knew. I left chunks of myself there as well. So much so that people don’t even recognize my voice on the phone anymore. People I’ve talked to almost every day of my life. My own brother, who I grow up with, told me when he saw me that I look different, his actual statement was “Who are you, you don’t look like my brother”. That’s because I’m different from who I used to be, and I’m glad. Changing your life is not easy when there is no road map. (Speaking of change click here => Change: The Mad Scientist Effect Part 1 of 3 Mental Marauders)

                When I was in the South even though I accepted myself and accepted who I thought I was, others were not very receptive of whom I was. A question from an inquiring candidate (someone who was interested in me) really got me thinking about some things. The question she asked me was “Why are you single?” I’m pretty honest and I wanted to answer it honestly. She asked because she saw everything that I do and how I present myself, being goal ordinated and basically awesome (Not by my own admittance) she really wanted to know why no one has snatched me up yet. I gave her a satisficing answer but that didn’t stop me from thinking more about the question and it didn’t stop her from asking more questions. Another question asked was;  “How long have you been single?” my response was “Sheesh, It’s been a long time… (Pause for thinking)… like 6 years or something like that”. Way too long. There have been some interesting prospects but none were for me. The last person I was seriously interested in wanted me to wait and wait and wait until they were ready for a relationship. I feel like I put a lot in to whatever we were but at the end of the day I wasn’t getting enough out of it, even from a friendship’s point of view. I’m picky with the people around me, because I have to maintain a certain sanity in my life and sometimes I need not to be emerged in someone else’s bull shit. The reality was she just wasn’t that in to me and I’m cool with that. I’m a fan of keeping it real and not wasting time, which means if you’re not feeling me, move on and make some room in your life for the right person to fill that space instead of having Shaun Lamar temporarily in that spot thinking its permanent. That is just a thought. (I sound a little bitter huh, well maybe I am… lol) So the truth is I’m tired of being single. I’m at the point where I don’t even know how I act in a relationship because it’s been forever. I’m afraid that I may have become awkward. I have literary given up in the pursuit of a significant other. It’s tiring and the people I’ve been meeting just aren’t that great. There is no one even close to being Ms. D for Dramatic. If I talk to you and you think that we are something other than what we are this is in fact a wake up call. I’m a team of one right now and to tell you the truth that is exactly how it is going to be until someone shows me that they sincerely want to be a part of my world, maybe the center of it. Meanwhile I’m just going to work on myself and the different projects that I have lined up. People are always realizing, after being involved with me, that they love someone else so I always have house warming’s, weddings, and baby showers to go to. That’s just a little dark humor for you, even though it’s basically true and sad. The reality is I still have some changing to do before my life is ready to honestly support another person in it.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Hearts to Follow or Path of the Righteous

Following hearts on these highways <3

At every given point in my life i'm 3 days from leaving everything and changing my life denying the moments in the direction I was going. Sometimes the need to follow my heart is stronger than the need to follow the program or "The Right" path as some would say.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

My life in CaliforYeah or Reorganized Noise

Port of San Francisco
                First off I would like to give a shout out to my home town, Montgomery Alabama, I wasn’t born there but I was raised in the south and I feel we should never forget where we came from, having said that, I feel it’s getting real hard to connect with a place I used to know, maybe it’s because I’m so far away, but to tell you the truth it’s hard for me to connect with my old self, the person who I knew I knew  I was, the person I used to be.

I can’t remember a time, while in Alabama, that I said “Boy do I love this place”. Besides having love for and having spirit for my high school and side of town I was from (Lee High School!!! EastsidE!!!!) I didn’t have much spirit or much love for Alabama.* I had a lot of love for the South but after living in some of the very best cities in 4 southern states I realized I didn’t like the South very much as I thought. I was ready to get out of the South and start a new life or just start my life in general

I’m an artist, I need an artist friendly city to live in. a city that wants to live it’s culture and breathe it’s residences. I came to California to live my life. I had no idea what was here I just was sick of my life in the Heart of Dixie and my life beneath the Mason Dixon line wasn’t getting any better. The spiral down was something to watch. I decided to change it. Freeing myself of my fears and all the things holding me back, which was myself. I had a habit of running to my comfort zone instead of trying to climb over walls and figure out ways around the bull shit that are the opportunities in the South. That comfort zone consists of hatred, jealousy, anger, suspicion, family, Alabama, negative criticism, insecurities, and self-doubt. Any time it would get hot in the kitchen I would run back to my comfort zone that I tried so hard to maintain.

My friend praying on the Bay
During this experience I’m learning a lot about myself and the world. I’m seeing that someone like me, with a head on his shoulders, has a responsibility to discover a better or a new way of living. We as a people should figure out where we are going wrong and fix it. Just like you as a human being work on yourself to become a better person, we should all work on creating a better environment and world for all of us. No matter the race, nationality or sex. We all want and search for the same things, we should just learn how to embrace each other and find what it is we’re seeking together. Two heads are better than one right? There is a world outside of the color of your skin and every day I live it. I love it. My perception of this world is exactly how my world is and so is yours. I stopped focusing on things that used to bother me and drive me nuts. Now it’s hard to even see those things exist. Not to say that my life is perfect and I shouldn’t work on myself. It’s not perfect and every day I continue to work on myself, my life, and the world around me. We can all act blind and try to ignore what is going on but don’t you want to make your life better and get into a position where you can possibly make someone else life better as well? It doesn’t take much to spread a little love every day, most people like smiles, Me on the other hand, I LOVE SMILES!!! Won’t be many time you see me without one on my face. The next time you are all flustered and upset about anything, take a minute to breathe and put a smile on your face and I promise you won’t be upset anymore, and if you are you will feel really silly with a bad attitude and a smile on your face.

I truly enjoy my life in California. Every day I do exactly what I want to do. Which is mostly exploring the city. One day my friend and I found a cave, it was pretty cool. I’ll make this statement today but don’t quote me on it; San Francisco is my home, I think it will be for the rest of my life. Now saying that I haven’t finished traveling yet nor have I lived in all the places I want to live in. I think my next destination will be Rome. Why Rome? Well I don’t know I just do what I feel. Will I live in Rome or just visit? Who knows? I have whole continents to explore and experience. I’m finding out what freedom really is and how much I used to limit myself and my experiences by making definite statement about things. That goes for everything in my life not just the things I think suck, even things I really enjoy.

My favorite time of the day in one of my secret spot
While I’m here in San Francisco I have somewhat of a plan, it’s more of a destination, but none the less it’s an achievable believable goal. So every day I’ll continue to work towards it and continue to grow my brands and have lots of fun while I’m at it. Also there will be temporary hold on all edited photos because I lost the phone that I used to do all that graphic design stuff on, so yeah if someone would like to donate an android tablet I would greatly appreciate, it can be the cheapest, I just need anything to work on. J

*I have a lot of love for southern FOOTBALL though #TeamWAREAGLE #TeamSEC

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Pier Nonsense or Dated Up

In the BAY chilling

I’m sitting on the Pier, just thinking and I start to think about relationships and the whole concept of the forbidden fruit, you know wanting what you can’t have. I thought really hard about it and decided to pull out my laptop and write. The concept it’s self is simple; people want what they can’t have. My question is why? And since we’ve come to the realization that people do seem to want what is outta of reach, why haven’t we, as a human race, put a stop to it. I mean wanting what you can’t have is where a lot of problems start. From wanting other people to wanting land or other’s country. I guess you can relate it to people thinking that the grass is always greener on the other side, and you always miss what you don’t have anymore. Why haven’t we figured out a resolution to these saying that have been passed down from decades, centuries, who really knows how long? I mean can we figure out a way to know when we are thinking in this manner? Can we appreciate what we have before it’s too late? Or how about knowing what makes the grass so green on the other side. I know we all have our journeys to go on, and we have all these experiences to learn from but it’s it time to find some new ways of living? I mean obviously we have been living in this sort of manner for a long time for there to be parables, myth, fairy tales, tale tales, and legends about them. Some are even written in Egyptian stone. That’s a long time to be living a certain way. What’s the benefit of the thought? Or rather the action because thoughts are just the beginning, the actual action going toward the direction of these experiences is where the problem lies.

I wasn’t going to just post a blog and act like I’ve been posting all along. Here’s a little explaining:

I figure I should make a decision about all this work I need to either get done or are actually in the process of getting done. I may be changing the name of this blog and or just shutting this blog down all together and focus more on the mental marauders blog. This blog was never really part of the branding it was just something I was doing that lasted a long time. It’s really the beginning of what I’ve always wanted to do and what I’m going to do. I have to figure out some things. Meanwhile mental marauders will be getting a much needed boost. A website will be coming so it will be easier to reach all of the aspect of D for Dramatic. Thank you for the patients and encouragement and continued support. There will be more

Thursday, April 25, 2013

That D is Just so DRAMATIC!!!

Greeting people, I guess I should tell people what is going on. A lot of ya’ll have been in the dark and the people that know somethings only know a little bit. I guess if I died today than all this information that I’m holding on to would die with it so let me expose myself and what I’m doing and what will come in the future for Shaun Lamar and D for Dramatic.

About 3 weeks ago I was depressed and I really hated my life because it was going nowhere fast. I thank my friends for helping me keep my head up and try keep a positive attitude. I had an idea to move to California since I moved back to Montgomery from New Orleans. It was so far-fetched to me and in my mind of timelines; it was at least a year out. I’m not going to tell the story today of how I got to San Francisco from Montgomery, leaving with only $50 in gas money and a prayer that maybe we’ll get there. Soon there will be a blog or maybe a book or something that I will write for you guys to check out. That project is still in the idea stage as of right now, plus I’m still getting situated here.  My hope is to inspire you guys out there to live your dreams, follow your institution, and truly live life how we all were all meant to. If there was ever one person that found happiness in life than why can’t it be you as well? Nobody is too far gone. So what will I be doing in San Francisco? That’s the question the police asked us when we got stopped in Arizona, “Live” is the answer I gave, and it’s the answer I’m giving you as well. Because sides my smart ass answer, D for Dramatic is what I’m about, soon you all will be able to have some of my art in your house, on shirts, hats, bracelets, all kinds of stuff. More writings and more pictures, videos, art, music, and more poetry. Eventually I will open an art gallery that may host poetry nights and stuff like that. Do ya’ll like wine and cheese? We can eat cheese and sip on wine and talk about past lives and share love stories, or watch comedy or listen to spoken word, I don’t know what ya’ll are going to want to do, but we’ll be able to do it. So that’s basically the direction I’m headed in and that’s basically what D for Dramatic is. I thank all of you for supporting me and my endeavors even when you had no idea what they were. Together we can change the world by loving and supporting good things that promote positive ideas and love above all. So I’ll keep everyone posted and expect more awesome things, I love you… oh and I don’t hate my life anymore… it rocks!!

ya'll go over to http://mentalmarauders.blogspot.com/ and check out what we have over there

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Never Made Love

Once upon a time I was walking home listening to my ipod, probably bopping to my “COOL OUT-ter space vibe” playlist which consist of artist like India Irie, Jill Scott, Mos Def, Common, Outkast, Kanye,  The Roots, de la soul, and a few others. I don’t remember what song was playing but whatever it was it made me think of all the people I’ve slept with. The quote was “I’ve never made love” and I know what you’re thinking, “That’s that song Bad by Wale and Terria Thomas”, this is true, they do say that in that song but this wasn’t the song I was listening to.  However it did make me think of that song and how all of a sudden people went from getting good dick on the regular to never have been made love. The whole concept is laughable to me because I never believe someone who talks a lot when they are trying to defend how much they love their life. Happily (I use that word loosely) married women are saying they never made love… Awkward  much? Much. So it got those wheels in my head turning and thinking about all the people I’ve had sex with and quickly my head broke down the concept of making love verses just having sex. I guess if I could dumb it down (and I did for this thought) I’d say that making love is having sex with someone you love. In my life I’ve been in love twice that I know for sure of. I’ve had sex with more than two people so I know I’ve had sex without being in love before. so the question is have I ever made love? I thought getting to this point it might be easy, but the two people I was in love with were not the people I had sex with… oops. Which got me thinking “damn I’ve never had sex with someone I was in love with… hmmm…” I kind of shocked myself as I went through my head of names and sexual encounters. It hasn’t been that many so it wasn’t as hard as some of the rest of you. I don’t judge so continue on with your count. By average standards I guess you can say I’m a prude. I’m not knocking down as many as the rest of you. I take pride in having a low number, I like to think I have value and everyone knows rarity makes the price go up. So I’m not out there “banging sluts” and “taking hoes down through there” as some of my brothers would phrase it. I’d like to think I was rather selective and one day when I do meet my wife I can truly give her the gift of me pleasuring her until the stars and moon fall from the sky, cause I can do stuff like that, not to brag or nothing but I’m certified. Okay let me stop.  This was actually on my mind for a couple of days so I decided to write about it. Maybe you got something from it, I personally think it’s kind of sad that I’ve never made love but I sure know how to… okay I’m done for real this time.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Untitled Thoughts I


In this world of confusion and understanding we go through life trying to figure out a purpose to life and maybe even just a point behind it. The big question: why do we exist? I think the bigger question is how we exist. I think we can all come to a conclusion that we do in fact exist and maybe we’ve come to a conclusion that maybe there is something more than us or greater than us that we come from (God, the source, the universe, Allah, Buddha, Krishna, the One ). If you do any research on any religion, ancient civilization, ancient beliefs, the human body, psychology, quantum physics, or whatever you will find that the human existence is not who we are. You’ll find out that we are a spirit in a human body having a human experience and if you do some further research you may find that a Soul/Spirit itself is in fact eternal, which is something that we, thinking and experiencing physical life, cannot even previse of because everything that we know has an expiration date, even these physical bodies. If we can’t be 100% certain on anything in this physical life we can be certain about these two facts, 1. We exist, and 2. We will die. There are a bunch of great answers floating around to age old questions like where do we go when we die and what is spirit. If you really do some research you may find that we have past lives and that we float in a pool of energy and we attract everything into our lives. If you do some more research you might find out that at every giving time you are in fact perfect. You might run into the golden number ratio, the Fibonacci spiral, astral projection, channeling, spirit guides, your higher self, the id, the ego, and the superego, future lives, parallel universes, the perfection of the spirit, the 4 agreements, chakras, merkabahs, movements, philosophies, wormholes, the real history of humans, even aliens, oh the list goes on and on. They don’t have this information in one particular class all these are subjects that come from that question; why do we exist? Pounds and pounds of evidence to support these theories and concepts, If you ever decide that you want to write about life and how it is, you’d better be prepared to write in pencil because the information that is out there will change your life and it will lead you something else you didn’t know that may even contradict what you once thought to be the absolute truth. How about the hollow earth theory where it’s said that another race of human being living in our core which has its on sun, or the theory that the moon is a satellite and was placed there. It’s always good to keep an open mind and not to dismiss something immediately when you hear it because once upon a time that way of thinking dismissed the world being round, even though ancient civilizations left us road maps about the earth and the heavens. There’s a book out there that gives a road map and explains the 5th dimension which is what our conscience is shifting to, our next stage on the evolutional ladder. Don’t take my word for it you should do your own research. I can talk until I’m blue in the face (and if you let me, I will… lol) but at the end of the day what I know doesn’t help you much. We may be a part of the oneness but we all are a part of our own conciseness as well as the collective. If you think about it too much you’ll get confused it’s not hard it’s really simple.  Turns out, life is as simple as breathing, when we think about breathing we fuck it up… everything. Like I was telling my new buddy this morning, “Life is happening and it is gonna happen, we just need to ride with it”. Peace my brothers and sisters we are love, Namaste’ 

Thursday, February 28, 2013

God Like Me

I don’t know how to start this off and maybe I’m premature in this thought. So I’ll just write and see what comes out of it. I heard a concept that cities are living organisms. The consideration of this idea has sent a tidal wave of thoughts and other concepts my way, mixing with that thinks I believe and know. I guess you can say my mind was blown. My mind went in to overdrive and I just keep thinking and adding and coming up with more ideas and more concepts. Would you like to know some of these things that have popped into my mind? Of course you do. Well one concept is that if cities are living organisms wouldn’t that make us cells? And every interaction and reaction affects the organism as cells in our own bodies affect us. If a city is a body wouldn’t we (the people living in the cities) be the blood cells? If we take a step back and consider a city as a human body, isn’t it true that some people don’t get along? Some people even fight. Other humans love each other; it’s the relationship I’m talking about. Consider the universe as cell or a blood cell. The possibility is endless if you consider that what happens on earth affect the universe as a whole and not just the earth. The idea of oneness and the collective has a whole new meaning.

Thought/Idea/Concept #2: We are Gods. Now before I start I just want to say this is an idea or a thought and if you feel offended it’s your own fault because this is not an attack or an attempt of conversion it’s just an idea to be considered, if you dismiss it immediately that is fine as well. With all my searching and studying what this life is supposed to be I’ve come into a boat load of information. This information has changed the way I see the world and the things I believe. It has been a long road to be at the point of understanding and openness that I am today and when I started (unknowingly) I had not the slightest idea that I would be where I am and I would believe what I believe. A while back one of my friends was telling me about these mind blowing questions that one of her friend had about god. At the time I just couldn’t imagine what kind of mind blowing questions you could really ask about god. So I asked not knowing what I was going to get. They responded by saying something like “What if god is a beginning god?” and “What if god doesn’t know what his is doing?”. I’m totally paraphrasing what they said, I’m really just trying to convey the idea that the god we look to for answers may not have the answers and that he may make mistakes. At the time I’m not sure if I believed in god to that effect so verbally I may have not given much contemplation to it. To tell you the truth, it was way over my head, but I never forgot it, maybe because it was just so weird to me to think that god could be like us. Even though I think we are makers of our universe and we are all one, I had old concepts that I learned about god, that he is a separate entity from us. The bible clearly says as well as all religious intuitions that god is everything, that doesn’t exclude my little dumb understanding of what I think is Shaun, my consciousness. If you believe in past lives and that your soul is eternal that means you could possibly believe that we built the pyramids and crucified Jesus and invented fire and lived through the stone and Ice age, but what about before that? If we are eternal doesn’t that mean we’ve always existed? My soul was not born on February 13 1985 in Omaha Nebraska, that’s when this body was born into this world. As far as I know we were (and still are) the animals, dinosaurs, the fish, the first fish to walk on land, the little sea creatures that look like ribs that they found fossilized in stones from a million years ago, we are the first cells and the big bang and star dust and all that other galactic shit that has been around before there was an earth and milky way. All I’m saying is that the reason given that we come back lifetime after lifetime is for the perfection of the spirit. Which leads me to the concept and idea that maybe, just maybe, we are being groomed to be gods and our consciousness (soul) will have its own creation one day. Maybe a billion trillion zillion years from now but none the less maybe it’s true. I believe in a spirit world and I believe in aliens that there are other worlds and creations out there. I think it’s a little silly to look up at the sky at night and see all those stars (Suns) out there and come to the conclusion that we are the only thing that exists ever. But if you don’t believe that we are souls in human bodies and that we are infinite than how can you even consider the idea of you being a god one day? Or now for that matter. Isn’t said that time is an illusion? As I said before this is just an idea or a concept that came to my mind, not saying that this is the truth and who says that there has to be one truth. Could it be possible to exist every time someone thinks about you? What’s the difference in experiencing something in a dream and experiencing it in real life? To your brain the answer is nothing. That should put a damper on what you previse as reality

Thought/Idea/Concept #3: The idea that synthetic and man-made is unnatural, human beings are natural, we grow we live we interact our existence matters because we affect the world. I thought about consciousness being able to bring back things that are extinct, like in the movie Jurassic Park. You know that we are headed in that direction right? Everything is just a chromosome and molecule away from each other right? It won’t be long before we are able to see animals that have long past and be able to eat fruit that we never knew existed before. If cities look like organisms and everything is accidentally designed by the golden ratio, which is the same ratio that everything not manmade is subject to it, wouldn’t it seem that synthetic is actually natural. It would seem that everything is in divine order, which in fact it is.

After getting all that out I am exhausted, I guess I needed to get that out because my mind was racing. I think I have more thought/Ideas/concepts but they will have to wait for another day. Tomorrow is my birthday so this may come after I write something about that whole thing. I hope you enjoyed this and maybe I have put something on your mind that you may consider and think about later my only advice is  be careful and be open to the possibilities that your mind can take you. P.S. none of this was drug induced lol

Mirror's Edge

I started to write a fairy tale that is my life, I wanted to name it honestly honesty, as in this is my real life as I see it right now. It was hard to write but I couldn't figure out why. Most of the time when I write these post seem to write themselves, I just put the words on the paper. Instead of trying to force an idea I’ll just write what is on my mind. For the past few weeks I have studying and looking at different lectures on youtube, Yeah I nerd out sometimes, but I don’t have a job and school is not an option right now so  I have to keep up the brain activity the best way I can. Most of the lectures have been about life and the way we precise it. I’m one of the first people the quickly yell about the law of attraction and quantum physics, unbeknownst to myself, these ideas and concepts have been slowly introducing and integrating themselves into my life. When I hear things now I understand them almost immediately because I’ve heard parts of it before, it’s crazy how life steers you a direction and us being oblivious look up and wonder how we got where we are. I feel like I’m in the movie “Revolver” where the main character Jake Green (Played by Jason Statham) applies this formula, these rules or guideline (the ultimate con) to his life and becomes everything he wanted. But before he could become who he was supposed to be he had to gain success in his mind only to lose it just to see what he was really supposed to become. If you’ve never seen it, go check it out, it has Andre3000 and it discusses the Ego in a since of it being a separate entity from your true self, which I believe to be true in some aspect. These past couple of weeks the physical has been breaking down to me and I have been able to see the spiritual side of things. This information has changed my perception of life and the direction my life is actually going in. I realize that we may reincarnate but I will never be a Shaun Lamar again. In that sense “YOLA” has a truer meaning to me. Knowing this fact, I will never be “Me” again, should take away all my fears and allow me to take more risk. Not stupid risks but risks that where before I was doubting myself and having an unrealistic expectation. I suffer from the “It can’t happen to/for me” disease, which is self-defeating before I even try. I guarantee that I’ve miss 100% of the shots I didn’t take. I’d get anxiety over decisions that I needed to make, not realizing that what I was anxious about wasn’t even real, the scenarios that I dreamed up in my head were not even reality. I can’t tell the future all I can do is speculate and in that since I should have no expectations. Most of the time I’m doing something for the first time and there is no way to know how something would turn out anyway. It is kind of arrogant of me to think that my life can’t be changed, that certain events can’t go my way. The truth is with this thinking nothing will go my way. At every given time our life is perfect, even in destruction it is a balancing of our energy pushing and pulling at all times. We are attracting our lives and we get exactly what we want no matter how conscious we are of it. The law of attraction is more than just wishful thinking; it’s more than just having a positive attitude, it’s truly believing in yourself and God (if you believe in god) and the process of life. We created this world and everything in it. It’s perfect and there is no reason to ever think that it will not be alright.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

It's My Birthday

Email I got this morning... <3

Happy Birrrrthday to Youuuu,
Happy Birrrrthday to Youuuu,
Happy Birrrrthday Dear Shaun,
Happy Birrrrthday to Youuuu!

A few years back, not so long ago, heaven and earth erupted into a major celebration with the news of your impending adventure into this very time and space. You see, someone like Shaun Darden doesn't come along all that often. In fact, there's never been a single one like you, nor is there ever ANY possibility that another will come again. You're an Angel among us. Someone, whose eyes see what no others will EVER see, whose ears hear what no others will EVER hear, and whose perspective and feelings will NEVER, ever be duplicated. Without YOU, the Universe, and ALL THAT IS, would be sadly less than it is.

Quite simply:

You're the kind of person, Shaun,
Who's hard to forget,
A one-in-a-million
To the people you've met.
Your friends are as varied
As the places you go,
And they all want to tell you
In case you don't know:
That you make a big difference
In the lives that you touch,
By taking so little
And giving so much!

Shaun, you are so AWESOME! For your birthday, friends and angels from every corner of the Universe, including buddies you didn't know you had, will be with you to wish you the HAPPIEST of days and an exciting new year in time and space. You won't be alone!


Monday, February 11, 2013

Considering a Truth

72 days for freedom (Atlanta 2012)


       There is a way that we believe the Universe works that is wrong. This way has been passed down from generation to generation, From family to family, from continent to continent. How do I know it’s wrong? Because of the evidence against it. This one way that we think the universe works puts us in a helpless state, having us to believe that we have no effect on our lives, our destiny and the world in general, that we are the subject to the will of “it is what it is”. The truth is we are creators of our destiny, we are creators of our lives and we are creators of this world. That doesn't cancel out god in the instance that you believe there is a God. I believe in a divine creator or a master creator however that fact has nothing to do with anything unless you consider that my thoughts, what I believe in, along with your thoughts, what you believe in help shape or create the future. We are masters of this world and we don’t know it. Our lives can be so much richer and be more fulfilling if we just believe that we can and are shaping this world how it is. Instead of giving our power and control away to bad ideas, bad people, bad beliefs, and bad perceptions, we can keep our power and use our collective energy to shape a better experience for everyone on earth. The blockage or absence of this truth that we are divine ourselves is the reason we live in turmoil and destruction. It’s not an accident, there is a plan in order, but this plan is dependent on what we believe, our perception on how the universe works. There have been countless studies and books written that confirms that we are these entities of energy and what we put out in what we believe is how the world is. That’s where it starts by believing. It’s a will know fact that we are not these human bodies; we are not even the embodiment of these human bodies. There is such thing as a higher conscious and a higher self. There is a world that is deep in the memory of everyone that lives and everyone that has ever lived, matter of fact we are everyone that has ever lived. Anyone who has had a near death experience will attest to the fact that we are in fact immortal, that we go on existing after a physical death. It’s written about in ever religion and every tradition and “myth”. I use the word myth loosely because what we believe is truth and myth has it’s connotations with disbelief and skepticism.


The Self is the Lord of Self… When a man subdues well his self, he will find a Lord very difficult to find… knowing that his body is like froth, knowing that its nature is that of a mirage, the disciple passes untouched by death… he in whom the desire for the Ineffable has anisen, whose mind is permeated by that desire, whose thoughts are not distracted by lower desires, he is named “Bound upstream”


That the dead are raised to life again shown by Moses himself in the story of the burning bush, when calls the lord, “The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,” God is not God of the dead but if the living; for him we all are alive.
You are gods. Those are called gods to whom the word of God was delivered… no one who is alive and has faith shall ever die


That knowledge which though the soul is realization of both the known and the knower is… wisdom… Whenever anything is produced, it is due to the union of the body and the soul. The deluded do not see the spirit when it quitteth or remains in the body.
Deep within abides another life, not like the life of the sense, escaping sight, unchanging. This endures when all created things have passed away
The individual soul is nothing else in essence than universal soul… Human beings all are as head, arms, trunk, and legs unto one another.


Riches are not from an abundance of worldly goods, but from a contented mind. Whatever good you do for others, you send it before your own soul and shall find it with God, who seest all you do.


The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures… he restoreth my soul… Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me… Surely goodness and merry shall follow me all the days of my life; and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Just a few examples of how every religion talks about how we are eternal spirits and live on after a physical death. It is not proof but if you believe that what you believe is the truth than it is a form of proof. Now the question is “do you believe the truth?” it’s been writing right under our noses. The fact is we live this life every day; we are living proof that we shape our lives, we are live truth. Doesn't what we do today and right now have a direct effect on what happens tomorrow? Isn't it true that what we experienced yesterday has a direct effect on how we act today? Don’t we use experience to handle life in the present? I don’t have the answers and I don’t have it all figured out, but they say the first step to solving a problem is realizing that you have a problem, and lets be truthful there is a problem with our lives and how we live and the way this world operates and if we never come to the realization that this is true than we will never fix it. I’m tired of living like this, and I don’t have to ask you because I know you are too. I see it all around, it’s one thing to be optimistic and have faith and it’s another thing to actually be happy and live in real love and truth. All we have is right now, the future is a story and the past is one as well, what matters is right now, because what we do right now and what we believe right now is what we will become. We are what we think, let’s think love, peace, harmony, oneness, empowerment and then use what we think to motivate our actions into making a place where love, peace, harmony, oneness and empowerment are the only things that matters.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Just Breath, Be Brave, and have No Regrets


Happy February!! My favorite month, let’s see you have black history month, my birthday and a host of Aquarius birthdays, Valentine’s day not to mention a couple of my favorite Pisces  are born in February. I’ve decided to start my resolutions this month, I always use January as a buffer zone or a transitional phrase, or a trial run to see if I like and/or can actually do the resolution. Most of them are really goals and not really resolutions, I just want to maximize my success. Another thing I’ve decided to do with my goals this year is to write them in a form of achievements, as if it was January 1, 2014 and I was looking back at 2013 and all that I’ve done that year. I don’t know if it will work but if I think about it as already done and achieved than isn’t that the same as willing it done?, Law of Attraction, it’s also in the bible so I figured it couldn’t hurt. So with all that being said I guess you imagined that this post was going to be about my resolutions?  Or maybe black history month?  I’m actually writing about something different and maybe my theme of this year, which I think will be “No regrets”. Which I rarely ever have them but sometimes I hold back when I know I can go harder. So this year I won’t regret any choices I make, I’ve decided to listen to my heart and be brave. Sometimes in life when we’re faced with a decision we’re overwhelmed and a bit anxious, I know I do. I’ve had a panic attack or two in my time. I just know that if I go by the track record of my life no matter what I’m faced with at the time, no matter what obstacle I’ll have to get over everything will be just fine just like it always has been. I remember one time I was going to get an i.d. made because my license had been suspended. I went through the whole process of filling out the paper work and smiling for my picture and they actually printed my I.D. out. Right before the guy was about to give me my i.d. he stopped and said that the big guy in charge wanted to see me. I really didn’t think anything about it, silly me. I foolishly went to the back of the building (which was packed with police officer) into this guy’s office. When I entered he was on the phone and just pointed for me to sit down. I sat down and the guy who escorted me left and shut the door behind him, still not thinking anything about it I’m just sitting there twiddling my thumbs. He put the phone on speaker phone and when someone answered he told them that they had someone down here and they need to send a county car because he has a warrant for an unpaid ticket. Oh hell, now I’m sweating, mind going a million miles an hour trying to figure out what ticket and how much it was and how the hell am I going to get out of here. My first instinct was to talk, so I started talking and asking a bunch of questions and he wasn’t budging. The only thing that was saving me some time was they didn’t have any squad cars to come get me. So he started asking me question. Questions I didn’t want to answer like; “is someone with you?”, and “how did you get here?”, and “did you know you had a warrant?”. After answering the questions; “No nobody is with me”, “I drove my car it’s outside”, and ”No I didn’t know I had a warrant” he asked me if my license were suspended why the hell was I driving? I didn’t have an answer to give him. He just shook his head and call the county jail again. He told me the ticket was some 200 dollars. I pulled out a wad of cash and was like” look, I have it right here” (I can’t remember why I had all the money on me but I was making moves that day)”Just let me go and I’ll go pay it “this dude was not budging one bit. All I was thinking was I got to get the fuck out of here. I’m thinking up all kind of scenarios, what if I just walk up out of here? How many police did I see on the way coming back here? How many could I fight off and get to the door? Could I make it to my car? How far would I make it out of the parking lot? Will I be on the news tonight? I was looking at the windows like “can I break through that?” I was just canceling all those ideas and was thinking “naw I’m not going to jail, something is about to happen, I can’t go to jail today I got other things to do” all of a sudden it was like the heavens opened and he looked at me and was like “you can go”. I was like “What the fuck?”. He said they aren’t sending anyone to come get you and we don’t have anyone here to take you so just go but you can’t have your i.d., I tried to run up out of there before he changed his mind. He walked with me to the front door and a squad car pulled up and this police officer stepped out and said “Ya’ll called and said ya’ll needed me to take someone to jail” and I stopped walking and looked at him and head guy looked at me and told the police officer “naw”. He let me get in my truck with no license and a warrant and I drive off. I went and paid that ticket, and that’s an example in my life that I know everything will be alright. That wasn’t the first or the last time something like that has happened to me. Over and over again I’ve been in sticky situations and I’ve made it out just fine. I’m very thankful that I didn’t go to jail that day and every other time I didn’t go to jail or didn’t get a ticket, or didn’t get caught, or didn’t die, I’ve done some very foolish things in my life and time after time I’ve gotten second chances so I know everything will be just fine. So when you find yourself in a situation where it doesn’t seem like there’s a way out just stay calm and breathe, be brave and know that everything will be all good. Just believe.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

A Voice from the People!!

Hello this is just a little update since I haven’t updated in a while. My plan was to write about my New Year’s goals and I’m still going to do that but this month (January) I have just been trying out my Resolutions. So Feb 1 is the real date that I will start my resolutions. As far as this blog goes I will continue to write and post I have a couple of things that I haven’t posted yet and my plan as a whole was to move this blog in the direction of spirituality, I may change the name, I may not, but look forward to upcoming post about soul mates, past lives, Chakras  crystals, ascension, the afterlife, astral projection, dreams, déjà vu, the law of attraction, astrology, astronomy, incites, agreements and much much more. I hope you all like the direction that I've decided to go in and I look forward to sharing with you