Saturday, June 15, 2013

My life in CaliforYeah or Reorganized Noise

Port of San Francisco
                First off I would like to give a shout out to my home town, Montgomery Alabama, I wasn’t born there but I was raised in the south and I feel we should never forget where we came from, having said that, I feel it’s getting real hard to connect with a place I used to know, maybe it’s because I’m so far away, but to tell you the truth it’s hard for me to connect with my old self, the person who I knew I knew  I was, the person I used to be.

I can’t remember a time, while in Alabama, that I said “Boy do I love this place”. Besides having love for and having spirit for my high school and side of town I was from (Lee High School!!! EastsidE!!!!) I didn’t have much spirit or much love for Alabama.* I had a lot of love for the South but after living in some of the very best cities in 4 southern states I realized I didn’t like the South very much as I thought. I was ready to get out of the South and start a new life or just start my life in general

I’m an artist, I need an artist friendly city to live in. a city that wants to live it’s culture and breathe it’s residences. I came to California to live my life. I had no idea what was here I just was sick of my life in the Heart of Dixie and my life beneath the Mason Dixon line wasn’t getting any better. The spiral down was something to watch. I decided to change it. Freeing myself of my fears and all the things holding me back, which was myself. I had a habit of running to my comfort zone instead of trying to climb over walls and figure out ways around the bull shit that are the opportunities in the South. That comfort zone consists of hatred, jealousy, anger, suspicion, family, Alabama, negative criticism, insecurities, and self-doubt. Any time it would get hot in the kitchen I would run back to my comfort zone that I tried so hard to maintain.

My friend praying on the Bay
During this experience I’m learning a lot about myself and the world. I’m seeing that someone like me, with a head on his shoulders, has a responsibility to discover a better or a new way of living. We as a people should figure out where we are going wrong and fix it. Just like you as a human being work on yourself to become a better person, we should all work on creating a better environment and world for all of us. No matter the race, nationality or sex. We all want and search for the same things, we should just learn how to embrace each other and find what it is we’re seeking together. Two heads are better than one right? There is a world outside of the color of your skin and every day I live it. I love it. My perception of this world is exactly how my world is and so is yours. I stopped focusing on things that used to bother me and drive me nuts. Now it’s hard to even see those things exist. Not to say that my life is perfect and I shouldn’t work on myself. It’s not perfect and every day I continue to work on myself, my life, and the world around me. We can all act blind and try to ignore what is going on but don’t you want to make your life better and get into a position where you can possibly make someone else life better as well? It doesn’t take much to spread a little love every day, most people like smiles, Me on the other hand, I LOVE SMILES!!! Won’t be many time you see me without one on my face. The next time you are all flustered and upset about anything, take a minute to breathe and put a smile on your face and I promise you won’t be upset anymore, and if you are you will feel really silly with a bad attitude and a smile on your face.

I truly enjoy my life in California. Every day I do exactly what I want to do. Which is mostly exploring the city. One day my friend and I found a cave, it was pretty cool. I’ll make this statement today but don’t quote me on it; San Francisco is my home, I think it will be for the rest of my life. Now saying that I haven’t finished traveling yet nor have I lived in all the places I want to live in. I think my next destination will be Rome. Why Rome? Well I don’t know I just do what I feel. Will I live in Rome or just visit? Who knows? I have whole continents to explore and experience. I’m finding out what freedom really is and how much I used to limit myself and my experiences by making definite statement about things. That goes for everything in my life not just the things I think suck, even things I really enjoy.

My favorite time of the day in one of my secret spot
While I’m here in San Francisco I have somewhat of a plan, it’s more of a destination, but none the less it’s an achievable believable goal. So every day I’ll continue to work towards it and continue to grow my brands and have lots of fun while I’m at it. Also there will be temporary hold on all edited photos because I lost the phone that I used to do all that graphic design stuff on, so yeah if someone would like to donate an android tablet I would greatly appreciate, it can be the cheapest, I just need anything to work on. J

*I have a lot of love for southern FOOTBALL though #TeamWAREAGLE #TeamSEC

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Pier Nonsense or Dated Up

In the BAY chilling

I’m sitting on the Pier, just thinking and I start to think about relationships and the whole concept of the forbidden fruit, you know wanting what you can’t have. I thought really hard about it and decided to pull out my laptop and write. The concept it’s self is simple; people want what they can’t have. My question is why? And since we’ve come to the realization that people do seem to want what is outta of reach, why haven’t we, as a human race, put a stop to it. I mean wanting what you can’t have is where a lot of problems start. From wanting other people to wanting land or other’s country. I guess you can relate it to people thinking that the grass is always greener on the other side, and you always miss what you don’t have anymore. Why haven’t we figured out a resolution to these saying that have been passed down from decades, centuries, who really knows how long? I mean can we figure out a way to know when we are thinking in this manner? Can we appreciate what we have before it’s too late? Or how about knowing what makes the grass so green on the other side. I know we all have our journeys to go on, and we have all these experiences to learn from but it’s it time to find some new ways of living? I mean obviously we have been living in this sort of manner for a long time for there to be parables, myth, fairy tales, tale tales, and legends about them. Some are even written in Egyptian stone. That’s a long time to be living a certain way. What’s the benefit of the thought? Or rather the action because thoughts are just the beginning, the actual action going toward the direction of these experiences is where the problem lies.

I wasn’t going to just post a blog and act like I’ve been posting all along. Here’s a little explaining:

I figure I should make a decision about all this work I need to either get done or are actually in the process of getting done. I may be changing the name of this blog and or just shutting this blog down all together and focus more on the mental marauders blog. This blog was never really part of the branding it was just something I was doing that lasted a long time. It’s really the beginning of what I’ve always wanted to do and what I’m going to do. I have to figure out some things. Meanwhile mental marauders will be getting a much needed boost. A website will be coming so it will be easier to reach all of the aspect of D for Dramatic. Thank you for the patients and encouragement and continued support. There will be more