Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Golden Rule Concept

The golden rule: treat others how you would have them treat you. I'm sure everyone has heard of this at least once in your life. I've hear it several time in my life mainly when I did something bad to someone else as a kid. They ( as in parents, teachers or whatever. ) would tell me "treat others how you wanna be treated", and in my asshole natural I would think in my head if I did what they did to me I would have wanted them to respond the same way. After hearing this several time in my life. I began to break it down and think about it. My conclusion was that this was a great concept. I mean its very logical, and I could see why and how it could be in some shape or form in every culture around the world. I myself can't leave well enough alone so with out me practicing the golden rule I developed my own understanding of this rule and it goes " treat people how they want to be treated" I've found this to be less heart breaking to me because the golden rule only works if the other person is practicing the same rule. But with the rule I came up with ( and im sure someone has had this concept.before but I don't know about them so I'm taking credit.) You don't feel bad about doing anything bad to someone because they wanted you to treat them that way. It's more of a passive approach to people but I think its a great way. Before you adapt this concept to your life, you'll need to be able to read people and you can learn to read people by studying yourself, your actions and reactions. Your feelings and emotions. We're all not that different so studying your self your movement and etc. You'll really be studying a member of society. You are a member of society.

You know I would like to apologize for how this post and maybe 2 or 3 post before this one went. I don't feel like I'm getting my point across in a fashion that I normally would. You may not notice it but I do so ill apologize. Lately I've had other things on my mind and I guess things won't get better or back to normal until I deal with what's running through my head.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Life = A Balance Between Living + Growing

I don't claim to be a philosopher. However in my living I have been through some things so I know little about overcoming obstacles, juggling day to day activities as well as all types of relationships. In my living I've learned a lot of words and a lot of answers to questions. I don't always know the right thing to say or always know the best advice to give you. I live on the boarder of insanity and reality. I don't know how I've made it as far as I have living and believing that everything always works out for me. And for the most part everything seems to always work out for me. I know the law of attractive and have lived “The Secret”. Real? You may ask. My answer will be I don't know. But it seems to be working on some scale in my life. I still could be living more abundantly. But I guess you get out what you put in. That's not the case with all aspects in life especially when it comes to human interactions. But with the world or universes being made up of measurable vibrations I have found this to be true about the law of attraction and life in general.

Life. How do u balance living your life and growing into the person you are or will be? I believe that what you will be is what you are now. I believe in eternity as in right now we live in eternity and being in human form we are just not conscience of it. But if there is no such thing as time (which in space there is no such thing as time. Because time relates directly to how long the earth takes to go around the sun and what part of the earth you are standing on. ) then everything we will be, is everything we are now. It may seem like growing but I think it’s more of finding/realizing how to live. You have to live your life. Once you get a certain age you’re out the door on your own. Life is not how your parents and teachers made you envision it. Nobody ends up caring what really happens to you. They have their own lives to live. So while your living and trying to figure things out life you recognize that there are things or problems in the way you handle things and need to find and adapt a better solution then the one you have been receiving. Living and experiencing life while you are researching by Googling, asking your support system, or whatever you do to get your answers (make them up in your own head is always an option). Once you find an answer that you are comfortable with. You trade and adapted the concept into your life and try it out. If it works BAM! There’s your solution. If it doesn't work you go back to the drawing board. Most times you can't run from your problems. Sometimes you have split seconds to come up with an answer. That's where experience comes in. If you make a mistake in life because it’s a new situation don't beat yourself up over it because with the information given you made the best decision to your knowledge. Having said that this defense doesn't work if you have killed someone or robbed a liquor store or something like that. You know better. If you’re living you’re growing. If you haven't lost your mind by doing the same thing over and over again and expecting to get a different answer, or just losing your mind. You have found a good balance between living and growing

Friday, May 27, 2011

I Need To Believe

Praise God. All praises do to the honorable Elisha Muhammad. Hail Mary, all that God stuff. I mean all that good stuff. I've already stated my position on what I believe in (Religious-less) but that was a couple of months ago and to tell you the truth my human nature is always looking and searching for someone or something more then what it is. There was a point that I could debate you hardcore that God doesn't exist in any form. And I could still give you a run for your money. Now before I get into this I still want people to be aware that I still don't believe the bible as it is written. I still don't think any religion has it right. And the way most people perceive god is not how I perceived him in the past. For the most part I believe in evidence, there may not be any dinosaurs walking around in zoos today but the fact that there are bones means that there was something here. Physical evidence is undisputable. Evolution and other creation stories I still don't believe. Which gets me to God, the creator of the heavens and earth and the cosmos. Do I still not believe in god? My answer is god as in all knowing and omnipresent I can't account for that. But I can say that I do believe in something higher. Maybe more advance. Maybe more knowing and not all knowing. I don't know what it or he is but I just can't imagine that the universe operates without order. I believe in controlled chaos. Let me explain we can figure out things about the universe like gravity and stuff like that. We can measure exact measurement assume and find out we are accurate on a lot of things. That’s how I know there is order and not just random events or random things. Math wouldn’t work if the universe was random The Mayans believed in cycles ,hints their very impressive and extensive calendar, that has been very accurate in predicting different events in history. So that is where I stand right now. Do I believe in your god? Maybe. Do I believe in God the way you do. I'm almost absolutely positive that I don't. But this is my journey, my needs and wants to find meaning to the life I live and the lives around me. I think after death the journey still hasn't ended. As far as today May 27 2011 this is where I stand on God and our need to believe in someone greater then what we can perceive.

The EXist Factor, Can I Be Your Priority?

The thing about asking people who left you alone why they left you alone, is they want you to leave them alone. I've wrote about this before in another post about 6 or 7 months ago (Keeper) and I just don't know what the deal is. I can't keep people around. I'm really at a loss for words on the subject. My mom asked me the other day who do I talk to in my family and I told her that I didn't talk to anybody. She was a little shocked like most people are but the people who are shocked are the exact same as the people who they are shocked about. I hear it all the time your cool as hell how could you have trouble being around anybody, or who wouldn't want to be around you? But it always seems to be coming from someone who brushes me to the side as well for whatever reason. I tried to explain to my best friend one time that I'm nobody's priority. Would you like me to explain? Well I will. Your priority is what you give the most attention to. Your default person or your go to guy, girl, or whatever. If you never care about anybody you care about your priority. You call and check up on them and vice versa. If you never fuck with anybody on earth, you always know your priority is going to be there. Well all my priorities have other priorities. If I died today it wouldn't really matter. Yeah people would be sad but I would be an afterthought. What I'm saying is nobody's life would be over. I don't even think anybody would be devastated. People will try to refute these statements but if they think about it for real they know I'm right. Proof is how you could not have contact with your priority for a whole week or a month. A week is long. Anything could happen. Granite nothing to horrible ever does but its the principle of the whole thing. Maybe I care to damn much or maybe I just have my priorities messed up. But I cherish everything. Technology has made it so easy to check up on someone. A text, a tweet, facebook, anything just to let someone know you care for their well-being. But whatever. I'm kinda venting as well as trying to figure things out about myself in this post. What in me or my actions makes people run? I've ran before but I have reasons. I never seem to get reasons. I always hear the same shit; he's cool as hell, he's so funny, he's so sweet. And the fact is I already know this but that doesn't explain why you run. If the previous statements are facts then why wouldn’t you want that person there always? I'm tired of feeling the way I feel. I'm tired of people casually going in and out of my life. I really just want to close the door and say fuck everyone. And maybe that's the conclusion of the story or the cycle. Fuck everyone??

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Simply put... SOULMATES

Do you believe in soul mates? Do u believe that two souls and only two can be connected? Some people think that the word and concept “soul mate” was made up by greeting card companies to sell greeting cards. But there are actually myths and tales in different ancient cultures that express the idea of having a soul mate. But never on an individual level as far as saying that you and I have a soul mate. The person or entity in the story was the only one who had a soul mate. There is another myth, that god wanted to punish a soul so he split it in to two forms and the souls had to search for each other until they got their life right through a reincarnation / karma type of way. I guess if it has to do with reincarnation and karma that it wouldn't be god, it would probably be a god from an eastern religions like Buddha or the Hindi god(not sure of the name). I love the modern idea of the soul mate that there’s one person/soul out there for us, that there’s someone out there that doesn't have to fight to accept everything we are. I don't believe in soul mates I do believe that people are connected spiritually, not in a we go to the same church kind of connection, I mean in a "I get your craziness" understanding kind of way. I've met people who I felt after meeting them that I've met them before. Even to the point we used the same slang words and we were not from the same area nor have we ever talked before or been around the same people. That might not mean anything to you but I've met people who I hated, couldn't understand, hated me, and couldn’t understand me. And to meet someone who you can feel inside your soul is a really good feeling. I still don't believe in soul mates but I believe that we are all connected on a deeper level then we can’t imagine or understand, or just don't know.

I'm almost positive that i'll be writing more about soul mates or rather connections soon... i guess you can call it a teaser...

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Before you start reading this I realize that this is a subject that doesn't really go with this blog and it’s a subject that in my personal life I have already dealt with and I am perfectly over. Lately I have been dealing with people who either haven't reached the point I'm at or just refuse to acknowledge the option or subject. With that being said...
Can you throw this away for me? Can you take me to the store? Can I borrow your pen? Yes or no questions. I don't mind doing things for people. For the most part I like to do things for people. But sometimes I don't feel like it. Why is it that you can say yes a million times but the first time you say no, it’s like you never said yes. I've been called low down and dirty and etc. When it come to a no answer. NO is an option. This is just one side of the subject it goes both ways when you ask someone a question and instead of just saying NO they give you either the run around or just an excuse why they can't do it. NO is an option. Just say NO it’s an option and it can be an answer.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Personally I Want Personal Time

A couple of days ago I wrote a blog called "personally that ain't your personality". It expressed the change in someone's personality when they are taken out of their normal environment. I've been seeing this for about 3 years now, and that blog was a poor collection of my research. In doing the minimal research that I've been doing as far as seeing changes in other people. My attention fell on me. I was wonder, if what I think is true then I could not be immune to these changes in personality. Right? So my question to myself is/was "what are the changes in my personality when it comes to a field environment?". It's hard to check yourself because you’re not watching yourself do it, you’re just doing it. So with saying that I don't really know what my changes are to be exact. I'm going to ask people and maybe write another blog about it later but as far as this blog goes ill list some of the things I myself have noticed. I've been really cranky (I'm sure it’s mostly from the lack of sleep and long nights), I've been reaching and reaching for some personal time. Not like you would think though, most days I spend my days watching movies and talking to my best friend. We're usually on the phone so it’s private. But here I haven't watched any movies nor have I really gotten to have private conversations with my best friend. She's here with me but most, if not all, of our interactions have pretty much been in group. And I don't mind the group interactions but it’s only because we have the private interactions that I don’t mind the group interactions. So that's another change I have noticed about myself in this environment. I'll keep on looking and researching and get back to you with a conclusion.

You Did it One Time, You'll Do the Shit Again

One time I got violently thrown on the hood of a squad car after having my door snatched open and myself being yanked out of my truck without me being told what was going on. Another time I've had hand cuffs on my wrist so tight that I couldn't feel my fingers and had what felt like nerve damage for weeks. Another time I was told very aggressively to take my black ass in the house after being searched for walking in my apartment complex. The only weapon I had on me was a book about motivating myself to lose weight. Needless to say, I lost my motivation. I live in Montgomery Alabama. On the city seal it states in the middle of a 6 point star "The Cradle of the Confederacy” and around that is the statement” The Birth Place of the Civil Rights Movement". We are and have been well known for our police. Remember all those picture and videos of peaceful protesters getting dogs sicked on them, as well as being sprayed by fire hoses. Not to mention being beat by fist and police batons. Have you ever been beating by a baton? It's not a pillow, I'm just saying. I've always said that I don't like the police. I'm not a huge fan of authority in general. Gods among men. Run red lights, speed, harass, steal, illegally search, beat, murder, kidnap, threaten, invincible. If you can’t do it they can. It's been proven in the United States courts over and over again. Even if it’s caught on tape and the police admit to doing it they will be acquitted.

A couple of days ago a tornado ripe through the Birmingham Alabama area and the National Guard was called to assist the police in maintaining order. My unit has been working the night shift. I have always been wary of the police because of the paragraph before. I didn't even mention the harassment that my friends have had to endure because of wrongful identity or just pure harassment/hatred. Did I forget to mention racial profiling? Yeah that's a big one too. I have no love for cops. If I have something that needs to be handled I’ll handle it myself before I call the police. I have the same love for correctional officers and probation/parole officers. Their all the same to me. Crooked! Whenever I meet someone's husband or best friend or whoever is close to you and their profession is police, I already know your type. The type that believes in their job and that they are necessary to maintain order and justice in America. one day I’ll write a blog expressing how I justify being the national guard and having the views I have of the government and other government related items). We (The National Guard) were put in a position where we were going to have to endure the presents of police officers for about twelve hours. Daily or nightly. Last night I realized how much I really don't trust the police. I mean, I knew didn't like them. But trusting and liking someone is two different things.

Kilo Ali had a song called "white horse", where he took a statement usually reserved for cocaine, "don't ride the white horse", and turned it in to a statement about not trusting white people. In the song he begins with this statement "I'm a black man living in a white man's world/ I gotta watch my back he might rape my girl/ cause he did it one time he'll do the shit again". For some reason this has stuck with me since I've heard it. So last night when we started work instead of there being 3 of us. There was only 2. My best friend (who is a female) and me. Instead of there being 2 police officers there were 4 or 5 and none of these police officers were the police officers from the nights before. The only thing we were supposes to do was check peoples I.d. the whole night. I usually sleep and let the other people do it. But I was with my best friend and I was gonna do the work. So in the middle of the night which was actually about 3 or 4 I had to use the bathroom and as I walked to the porta potty I realized that I was leaving my best friend in the car by herself with at least 5 cops in closer distance. This is the point I realized that I don't trust police even a little bit. With us being in the army we were issued M16s. That night they had given us 10 rounds of ammunition a piece. I grabbed my magazine and put it in my pocket and was thinking to myself ill put 10 bullets in 5 police if they fuck with my sister. That shit came out of nowhere. But I was so serious. I didn't sleep the whole night that night. I just felt like I had to protect my friend. I just kept thinking about our ancestors that had to live with all the ridiculous laws and police and things that used to happen to them. If you’re a police officer (Black or white) and your reading this I want you to know that with all you do we are not afraid of you. We are not scared of you or your jails. We do not fear your lawyers or judges. This is our life and we don't need you to pretend to protect us while you rape our spirits with your supposedly random routine traffic stops. You bleed our cities dry with the bull shit laws you stand to protect. Freedom or death. Death is an option. I will not sacrifice my freedom for your protection. This is not a call to arms this is just how I feel about police and the situation I was in last night. I know some feel the same way I do. I'm still realizing stuff about me that I need to work on but the subject of police seems like an everlasting feeling. When they change and show me something different then I will change my views of the reality I see.

I desire to be a natural human

Human Nature: the concept that there is a set of inherent distinguishing characteristic, including ways of thinking feeling and acting that humans tend to have.

What really falls under this category? What are the desires of humans? I know the things in my life that I desire but I wonder if they are my desires or are they human nature? I know we all don't desire to be famous. I know we all don't desire to be rich. But do we all desire to be loved or at least desire to love? Is this desire human nature? Is it a necessity to our survival? I know how I feel when I feel loved and how it feels when I'm not feeling loved. I also know how it feels when I feel like I have nothing to love. So that leads me to my question; Is it human nature to have the desire to love someone or something other than your self?

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Raised Like My Daddy

I never had a father figure. All I've had were father figures. The older men around me taught me about life and a way to handle it. Where they failed or didn't tell me about I emphasized. From a young age of like 6 I know it all and any more information or your two cents would be an improvement of my greatness or just as I stated before, your 2 cents. Now I'm not professing this to be the correct way of going about life. I'm just explaining that this is the way I went about my life. I learned how to handle stress, anger, love, happiness, envy, people, jobs etc. If you name it I've been in a conversation about it and have had advice on how to handle it. Weather I listened or not the subject was addressed. One theme that I can honestly say that I've been in conversation with every father figure/mentor or just a random nigga is... females. Yes how do you handle a women, and all that she is. I've heard and heard different scenarios and ways and ways to handle women, ladies, girls, (I just don't know what they want to be called any more. Seems like every term is offensive besides their name. And even that may be a problem sometime.) I've gotten very bad advice and very good advice. Either way I handled every situation like did. At the end of the day it’s my decision. I'm not saying I've handled every situation the right way nor am I saying I've made the absolute best decisions. Because the truth is I haven't. I'm far from perfect. I can say that in any decision I've made I handled it with my best ability and information that I had at that time.

I realize that one day soon weather I'd like to or not someone will look to me for advice. Whether it be my own future son or just some young men looking for another insight on a situation that he's in. So I have to think and consider all the advice that I've been given and judge whether or not I'm going to pass it on. For the most part when it comes to advice I like to give more than one way to handle it and let you choose which one will let you achieve the outcome that you want. At the end of the day it’s always your decision. As grownups and advice givers we have a responsibility in molding and role modeling the people we advise. I know as far as my future son. I won't teach him the ways I've chosen to handle women. Nice guys finish last. Very last, end of the story. Handle a women how she wants to be handled. If she doesn't have respect for herself then fuck her. Do whatever it is that men do to women who don't respect themselves. Someone's father or mother have failed their child and who are you to teach them what they should know. Leave them to guys like me who wasn't raised to handle people like they want to be handled. I was raised to treat a woman with respect no matter the circumstance. Awww ain't that cute... but it’s wrong. These women will eat you up and spit you out. A good woman can appreciate a good man but she doesn't want a good man. It's all talk. Now this blog is about women true enough but I don't want to make the mistake of having you believe that I am bunching every women in the same category nor do I want to act like men are just perfect and extremely innocent because we all know that to be false. So bare with me while I continue to explain my reasoning on why my son will not be raised to be like his daddy.

Out of 100% there's a good 10% of women that are “it” aka wifey material. What you see is what you get. That other 90% got that 10% fucked up. If I meet 91 women and 90 of them ain't shit, it’s gonna be real hard to even give that 1 a chance. The problem is on both sides of the fence and I will be teaching my son about the 10% but I'm gonna prepare him to deal with the 90%. I was unfortunate to not be told how to handle the 90%. I was raised to handle the 10%. So you can only imagine the surprise when I found out that a 90% even exist and that the last 10 that I've dealt with were 90%ers. Where is my 10%? Well I’ll tell you where she ain’t… Here with me. It's okay I am who I am and I will continue to handle every situation how I handle them but if I can save my son or someone else's child from experiencing the heartache and frustration that I've had to endure then I'm all for it. HI MY NAME IS SHAUN LAMAR I'M A 10%ER. I'm just saying.