Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Evolution of The Lie (The art of lying)

“You’re a mother fucking lie”. Right out the gate. I've met lies of all kind and I've met liars of all types too. I hate liars. I could give you this long drawn out explanations about my ex that could explain the reason why I don't like them, but that's not for this blog. The reason is because when you lie you might as well be saying that they (The person you’re lying to) aren’t smart enough to figure it out anyway so I’ll tell them anything. That’s how I take it. And that’s pretty much how it is. Think about it…

I used to watch this TV show called “Heroes”. Anybody heard of it? Of course you have. But just in case you haven't here's what it is in a nut shell. "Save the cheerleader" “save the cheerleader"... that's a joke. It was for the people who have seen it. Sorry I got to write for everybody’s enjoyment. Okay , so heroes was a TV show about people who developed super powers and could do things like paint the future, read minds, things like never die, and start and stop time, all kinds of super powers. The concept of the show was good but the show just ended up not being so great. My reasoning for it not being so good was because it wasn't real enough. You got a guy on there who wants to cut the top of the head off of a cheerleader but can't cuss because its primetime TV on regular cable. I'm just saying there are a lot more reasons but that is definitely one. Okay so now that you’re up to speed you should be wondering “what does this failed TV show have to do with lying". Well good question bob. (Like a bob would really read my blog. Ha!) now let me explain. In the first season the heroes got their powers and saved the world. But in the second season when they added older characters that had their powers longer they revealed that there was more to their super powers then what they know. The guy who could read mines found out that he eventually was going to be able to take his mind and control another person’s mind, also being able to put your consciousness or soul in another body. The guy who could start and stop time would be able to travel into the past and future and teleport to any place on earth. The show was getting good; needless to say they fucked it up. But the concept was great. All that to get you seeing where I'm coming from when I tell you that there are people who are evolved liars or evolved in the Art of Lying. I'm going to try and explain it deeper because I know you've never heard of this before and if you have or believe the last statement about lies evolving then I know you haven't heard it on the level I'm going to try and take you. So let's begin.

If you’re a good enough liar you can make a lie sound like the truth. If you’re a better enough liar you can make your lie the truth. Okay okay I know that was heavy so let me write it again and then I’ll break it down. (Read slow) "If you’re a good enough liar you can make a lie sound like the truth. If you’re a great enough liar you can make your lie the truth. I actually said that statement last night and the thing that popped into my head was, "that's the devil" (I was actually talking about a person). In all manner of definitions that is a pretty accurate way to describe the devil I'm just saying. Okay the evolution of the lie. A lie is relatively simple. Ex., “I took out the trash”, “I didn't see your call”, “I'm a business man”, and “I didn't get your message”. An evolved lie from and evolved liar sounds more like (I’m just going to use the last example to expound); I got your message but I didn't message you because I was in a meeting and when it was over It just slipped my mind. It actually gets deeper: "I didn't see you message until just now (4 hrs later) my phone has been acting up, I messaged you as soon as I got your text. Now notice the detail and the facts in the previous lie. This lie can actually be true. Sometimes it happens, it really does. But they don't happen as often as one would like someone to believe. You all have phones you know how they work. A lie can get even deeper depending on who it’s being told to. Instead defending oneself, turn it around and put it back on your accuser by not even acknowledging you got the message. Ex. “you didn't message me; I know you didn’t, I've been getting messages all day, you’re lying". Wait Wait Wait I'm realizing that this is turning into more of a seminar on how to tell better lies and that's not what I'm about. Yes it’s true in the traditional since I am not a liar but in the asshole world, me pretty much being an asshole, I am able to tell and make lies the truth. Don't get it twisted this blog is not about me and my knowledge on how to execution an evolved lie, because lying is not a trait that I don’t possess (Unless need… like talking to the police or going to a high school reunion.) it is just a defense mechanism that helps me see liars and counter act their lies. I'm pretty good at. Look! This is my attempt to inform you that these liars are out here and they are making their own reality and you can get caught up in it. This is real stuff people. Feelings are involved, decisions are involved, your heart is involved, and your mental health is involved. Someone can take you in their world and break you down, have you stressed out thinking you’re the problem and instead they are the problem. They will pass their insecurities on to you, their judgments on to you and you will sit there and take it because in your head things are adding up, but it’s all an illusion. I think I got my point across for the most part. I'm going to try and squeeze in a lil wrap up to explain it just a little bit further

The definition of a lie is anything that is not the truth, anything that will detour you from what is actually happening. For you liars out there that don't know your liars. The opposite of honesty is a lie. If you’re not being honest about something you’re a lying. And you are a liar. If you tell half truths you are a liar. If you have no intentions of doing something and bull shit until there's an excuse not to do something. You are a fucking liar. There’s no way around it. I was listening to someone tell me lie after lie and finally it just hit me. You know the light bulb came on. "This nigga is liar, Damn it sounds like the truth, because they actually believe that what they are saying is ,absolutely without a shadow of a doubt, the truth". A person that lies that good is selfish and means you no good. My suggestion to you is get away. There will be nothing you can tell them to make them see the world or the lie they are living in and sucking you in it to is a lie. It’s a harsh reality. Well I put it out there. What you do with the information is on you. I've done my part.

I Model My Role

I love being me. For the most part. Yeah everybody has inquiries and has things they want to change about themselves and their situations. But I generally love who I am. When you’re happy with who you are, you shine bright and people notice it. When you’re doing “your thing” people see it and they want to be it or just simply be around it. Being looked up to can be a great thing. People want to mold their lives into what you are or at least a version of it. I'm here to tell you, you can't do what I do... Without my help. And if I like you I’ll give you my help. It's said that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. I agree that it’s flattering but I won't indulge me efforts in helping everybody. As role models we have a responsibility to our community to produce quality people. Not knowing you’re a role model can be detrimental to someone who looks up to you. I'm not saying change who you are but when you’re in the public eye you should want to handle yourself with some décor. Be respectable, like I said before you don't have to change you, just be mindful that people want to do what you do. People want to be who you are. And you have a responsibly to yourself and the people around you to help shape a better tomorrow.